Chapter 14: Human Warmth

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Ayanokouji P.O.V.

I was standing in the elevator to reach the top floor, the girl's rooms are all on top after all.

"Um, Ayanokouji-Kun," Arisu called, "what permission did Mashmia-sensei,
talking about?" she asked tilting her head cutely.

"It's from your father, Arisu, the information may involve that could affect the Academy I think. So he can't tell carelessly." I answered.

"I see... If that's the case I can ask personally and let you know if I find anything."

I thought the same when he proposed that he can't tell, but it doesn't matter...

"No need. I am not in rush to find out the details, at least for now anyways," I replied.

"If you say so," she said.

The elevator stopped at the floor and the door opened, I let Arisu go to her room first. A better way to avoid any witnesses

After hearing the door open of her room, I left the elevator and quickly entered her room closing the door almost immediately.

"you can take a seat on the bed," Arisu said.

Removing my shoes from the entrance I walked inside the room, as I did a pleasant smell hit my nose like the last time.

I took the seat on the bed as she said, and waited for her to come outside the kitchen.

"Do you need anything to drink?" asked Arisu from the kitchen.

"Just water for now."

It's too late to drink any coffee at this time.

Soon she came out of the kitchen holding a glass of water in her hands.

"Here take this." she offered.

"Thanks." I took it with gratitude.

After drinking the water I give it back to her.
"About the dinner. I am fine with it if anything is already there," I said.

Giving thoughtful thinking for a while she responds. "I only have sweet cakes at the moment, I can make something good to eat if that's what you want," she said.

"Nah, I am fine with sweets. Already too late to have a proper meal now."

Hearing my reply she gave a smile on her face "Looks like we think the same way, Ayanokouji-Kun."

So, she was not planning to make any food from the start only. I guess it's fine, I don't want to trouble her to make cooking for me.

"Seems so... It's cake then."

"Right, I made it today only, so it's safe to consume...Wait I will bring it here," she said before going into the kitchen.

I let myself fall back on her bed and spread my hands in wide open. And saw the white ceiling of the room.

"Truly today was a day full of stress," I muttered, Freeing myself from all the thoughts for a while.

That masked person and his student, looking forward to it. Though it could be said that all he was telling to us is a lie about he raised a student that surpasses me or he isn't with tsukichiro, just to keep me wary of him and making a mistake.

Still, I can't rule out the possibility of it isn't a lie too, everything that happened till now is according to my plan, and won't let it get mixed up with anything else.

"Oh, you are sleeping on my bed Ayanokouji-Kun," Arisu said coming out of the kitchen while holding a plate in her hand.

I corrected my body posture and sat back up.

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