Chapter 10 The results and something unexpected part 2

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Kiyotaka P.O.V

I am currently on my way to meet someone, I left Arisu back only because it's something I should do not her.

I finally came infront of the door, knocked it two times and said..
"It's me Ayanokouji. Can I come in."

"Yes. The door is unlocked." A sweet voice came from the other side.

I opened the door slowly and came inside.

"Sorry for coming so suddenly, hiyori.."

"No, it's fine, anyway what brings you here." Hiyori asked.

"Before I tell.." I passed by hiyori and gone behind her where someone sitting in lot of thoughts.

"You played great there, Ichinose." I think Ichinose didn't notice me coming near her.


"Oh, Ayanokouji-kun.. sorry I didn't notice you." She quickly stood up but eveded direct eye contact.

"You still not over come that.." I said to myself.

"Did you said something just now, Ayanokouji-kun." Ichinose asked.

"Nah, I was just saying you played great there."

"Yeah, I gave my all there, it's just yagami-kun was very good at it and if it were you Ayanokouji-kun you could have defeated him he-he" Ichinose said.

Why did she bring yagami and me? Ichinose is odly acting different from usual. Not like I care.

I turned my attention back to hiyori who was waiting for my reason to coming here.

"Hiyori forfeit the next match. You are planning to fight Ryuun, aren't you?"

"Huh?" The one who is suprised isn't hiyori but Ichinose.

"You see through me, huh.. but if I forfiet and loose like that, Ryuun-kun will be both angry and upset."

Yeah I know, he don't like winning when the opponent not try also, so I can understand her anixity, but...

"No,hiyori-san you can't do something that dangerous, especially when there are no rules." Ichinose said before me..

That's why I am also stoping her, if rules were there I wouldn't have bothered about it that much. Ofcourse I have other reason for making her forfiet too.

"But I have to ,Ichinose-san, Ryuun don't like winning like that."

I admire she doesn't have any fear but..

I walked closer to hiyori without saying anything I put my hands on her shoulders, she was suprised by my sudden actions...

"Leave Ryuun to me, I know how to control him."

"Kiyotaka-kun?"hiyori confused..
"Ayanokouji-kun?" Ichinose.

Looks like both of them are confused, it's not like everyone knows about how much Ryuun is obsessed in defeating me.

Maybe hiyori should know about it to some extent or Ryuun hid it from her also, since she wasn't involved back then.

"Just trust me, he will neither be angry nor upset if you forfiet. Because I already have dealt with it."

Both became suprised, well if I think about it now this is the first hiyori ever suprised by my words.

"Besides, if you don't forfiet I won't be your book partner anymore."

"I am ready to forfeit." She said immediately.

"Oh, that was quick."

"After all you forced me to accept it by saying we will not read together anymore.."

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