chapter 4 Special exam Duo preparations part 1

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I and ichika are just sitting silent till I decided to speak up.

"Ichika that white room student did he choose his partner yet."

"Yeah he did, actually even I am also surprised that he choose his partner so quickly, it's like he already knew that it will gonna take place today."

What would be the probability if the white room student and Nagamo are working together or maybe he is just using Nagamo to make some changes in the exam at the last moment?

Because we still don't know the full details of this exam yet.

So the probability is around 70-80 and it's not a small number.

"Ichika whose side are you, me, or the white room student."

"I am on Ayanokouji-senpai's side."

"If so then tell me this, is that white room student doing it, on his own will, or its because that man ordered him to do so."

"If I want to be honest then he is doing it with his own will."

I wonder why he wants to do it.

"Because he wants to prove that he is better than Ayanokouji-senpai."

Now I get why he wants to do it.

But there is no way I will be defeated by him, not now not ever.

The clock is ticking and there are only 10 minutes now, So I decided to end my conversation here.

"ichika let's talk later now."

"I don't mind as you still have to be with Sakayanagi-senpai right?"

"Yeah, you can say that."

After that, we both went outside my room together and went on our separate way.

I am heading to where Arisu is.

After coming down the elevator,
I headed towards the teachers meeting place.

Where I told Arisu to be there.

Finally came to the room and I knocked saying that.

"It's me Ayanokouji"

From the other side of the door, they replied.

"So you finally came huh..., come in"

After hearing Mashima-Sensei's voice I opened the door and see Arisu sitting on the chair with a sad face.

After hearing Mashima-Sensei's voice I opened the door and see Arisu sitting on the chair with a sad face

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Maybe she was bored sitting alone here with just a teacher.

Don't know how would I make her feel better since I am the one who told her to sit here.

"So, Ayanokouji-Kun decided to show himself now huh..."

Just as expected she became bored here.

"Well you know I did it for your protection only."

"At first I didn't mind all that much but as the time spent, I felt bored and thought that I should have been with Ayanokouji-Kun that way I could have at least prevented experiencing this."

The only way to make her feel better and fill her with excitement is.

"Fine this time you won Arisu, I will have a chess fight with you and we can play it till you're satisfied, is this would be enough to make you feel happy again?"

After hearing my words, Arisu sees me in surprise look and her eyes are sparkling with excitement now.

I knew this would work on her since she always wanted to fight with me.

"Ayanokouji-kun you really will fight me."

"That's what I said, if you don't want then..."

She stopped me before I had the chance to complete my sentence.

"No I want it, so where should we fight here or in my room or Ayanokouji-kun's room, where ever is fine I just want to fight with you ."

She is way too excited about this, then I should not break her heart.

"I don't have a chessboard in my room."

"Let's go to my room then, I already have a chess board also."

"If you say so."

After I said that Arisu quickly stood up and started heading toward her room.

When I was about to leave the place someone called me from behind and it is Mashima-Sensei.

"Ayanokouji-Kun what do you mean to her because I never once saw Sakayanagi in this much excitement before."

"That's something only she knows, she and I are childhood friends maybe that's the reason."

Of course, it is a lie that I and Arisu came up with together.

Well, the whole plan isn't to lie.

The part which says me and Arisu are childhood friends is indeed true, I also consider her my childhood friend.

But her real feelings towards me are something that even I don't have the answer to yet.

For now, let's leave it here only.

"Just keep her smile like this only Ayanokouji, this request is from the teacher to a student."

"Well I can't promise but I will try my best."

"That would be a big help since Sakayanagi hadn't smiled this much not even once also, not until you came into her life, so stay by her side always."

Well, this is something that I hadn't expected to be asked.

"Alright, I will accept your request as a way to thank you for what you did today."

"So I will leave now."

After saying that I went outside where Arisu is waiting for me.

"Ayanokouji-kun you are here then let's go."

Now I and Arisu are walking side by side.

Now I and Arisu are walking side by side

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But then only she asked a question.

"Ayanokouji-kun I know how you feel now more than before actually."

Hearing that shocked me.

Chapter 4 part 1 ends here.

We will know what Arisu figured out about Ayanokouji, which made him also shocked about it in the next chapter.

Of course, it will take some time for me to write it because I am pretty busy right now.

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