chapter 5 shocking truth intro

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(Thinking will be of Ayanokouji)

As we were walking side by side till Airsu room comes.

But then she said something that, I didn't expected anyone to figure it out.

Arisu,figured it out how I used to live in the white room and also what is my real intention in changing the class.

Arisu really amazed me this time.

"Ayanokouji-kun you can count me as your alley now."

She break the silence and talked.

"What makes you change your mind now, is it because what you discovered about me."

"No, it's just I didn't knew what you been through all this time and even after coming to this academy you still can't completely change your faith."

She is not wrong on that.

"Ayanokouji-kun you really can't change your faith..."

"Yeah, that's why I stopped fighting against it long before only and accepted it."

"It's really too sad ,that your fath..."

"Call him 'that man'."

Before she could have completed sentence I stopped her.

"So, you don't even want to call him that huh.."

"You can refer to him as 'that man'."

"Fine, by the way tomorrow will be a pretty hectic day for you."

Maybe she's talking about her plan.

"Well I know how to handle that."

I need to put my plan into action too.

"Airsu will you be my partner in this exam."

"Fufufu... Is this one of your plan to make him reveal himself."

Just as expected of her.

She knows exactly what I am about to do.

It's true that I am doing it so that my plan to go smoothly but there is also a another reason for doing it and that's the promise I made to Mashima-Sensei.

(He promised that he will stay by her side) it is said in the previous chapter.

"Well you accept it?"

"Ofcourse, I also wanted to be your partner actually."

That went smoothly but then only she said something

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That went smoothly but then only she said something.

"Ayanokouji-kun if 'that man' ever shown up then that time I will protect you."

"Wait, do you even know what would be the consequences if you go against 'that man'."

"Yeah,I do know but even so I want do it because if I don't then I can't call you my childhood friend right."

"That doesn't mean you should do it."

"What good of a childhood friend I will be if I don't help when you need me the most..."

Why she wants to protect me this much but going against 'that man' will never end good.

In her eyes I can see that she is serious, I don't think I can stop her now so, I will let it play how it is going.

"Alright but don't try to fight alone."

"Fufufu... Well it would interesting now thanks Ayanokouji-kun."

She really is childish who just wants to have an excitement battle.

She knows her strategy will not be enough to fight against 'that man' yet she still wants fight even knowing that it will be her defeat when they fight and still smiling huh...

Maybe this is what it feels like to fight an opponent that is superior than you
But I dought I will ever be able to experience like she's having right now.

"Ayanokouji-kun let's have a chess fight now."

"Yeah I did promised."

So we started walking again but with lot of thoughts in each our mind.

Soon we came to her room's door and she opened it, after that she invited me inside.

"Come here take your seat, I can't really wait to battle you anymore."

"Coming in."

I saw Arisu with a chess piece in her hand

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I saw Arisu with a chess piece in her hand.

"You are really excited to fight me this much."

I never saw this type of her smile since our last battle.

Then I must not hold back now and give her a fight which she deserves.

"Alright let's fight now Arisu."

I sat opposite to her and started our battle.

We both played till the sun is out.

In the end I won 16 Times and Arisu won 14 Times.

Chapter 5 intro ends here.

Sorry for taking this much time, I was pretty busy.

In the next part we will know what is Arisu and Ayanokouji's plan.

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