Chapter 6 special exam begins part 1

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(The cross handwriting will be the speaker's thinking except Ayanokouji.)

Chabashira-sensei is explaining about this exam.

"Alright, who ever decided there partner they can come here and enroll their name , also you have to write your partner's name too."

I stood up from my seat and heading towards the Sensei.

Back when everyone was ignoring me now they are looking at me.

I gone to the desk and started writing the names.

"Ayanokouji what are you planning by revealing your relationship with Sakayanagi."
She said it in low voice.

"You will know it soon."

Saying that I am about to leave but then only someone raised their hand and came closer to the enrollment paper.

"Chabashira-sensei, I will not be anyone's partner as they don't deserve it."

It is kouenji that I already expected.

"So, you willing to deduce the 50 class points for that."


"Wait! Kouenji you can't decide it by your self, when class points are in matter."

"Horikita-girl you think I will listen to you , it's my choice and also if I can take the first place in the exam that would repay for everything."

"What if you don't take it."

"Then it will be something that have to do with the rules."

He is right because no matter how strong you really are individually if the rules have some things that can't be done individually like doubling the points if you are in duo or something like that, even so he will still take top but not first.

Kouenji is going to his desk but stops and said.

"Ayanokouji-boy let's have talk during lunch break and I don't mind if Sakayanagi-girl will also be there too."

Huh...This completely shocked me since I am not expecting that Kouenji himself will make a first move here, I really need to stay on my guard around him.

"Alright, I will let Arisu know this too."

I texted Arisu a message about what will gonna happen during lunch break.

And she replied it quickly that 'it's fine if we can't spend some alone time today...' meaning she wanted to spend some alone time together maybe I will make it to her somehow.

Everyone again focused their eyes on me when going back to my seat.

So ,this is so called attention huh...

It's still just this class attention, I wonder what will happen if every and each class year knows it.

Maybe it will be spread by tomorrow only, Arisu was right the coming days will be pretty hectic.

Need to prepare myself for what comes ahead.

"Alright, everyone let's choose who will be whose partner now."

Horikita said while looking at me.

Maybe, she is thinking that I should use my realation with Arisu to make class A to coordinate with Horikita's class.

But I prefer not do it.

"Ayanokouji-kun ,could you use the relationship with Sakayanagi to make this class cordinate with her's class."

"Sorry, but I can't do it."

"Why! aren't you supposed to be her childhood friend."
Hirata asked.

"Yeah it's true that we have that kind of relationship but Arisu only cares about me and also wants to defeat me at the same time, so if you ask me then I say Ichinose's class will be the easiest one to coperate."

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