chapter 5 shocking truth part 2

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(Thinking will be of Ayanokouji)

Everyone is staring Ryuun now and they are wondering what Ryuun goona tell.

But I already know what he will say.

"Ryuun, stop wasting time and tell."
Horikita said.

"Kukuku... Someone is excited to know."

"Wait,the princess still needs to come here."

Soon Arisu entered from the door and came near me.

"So, princess came just as I expected."

"Sakayanagi what you are doing here now."

"Fufufu... Don't mind me I am just here to protect my partner."

"Partner?who is you referring to."

Maybe.,I should do now my part of plan.

I stood up from up my seat and said.

"She is talking about me as I am her partner."

Everyone is completely shocked with my answer.

"Looks like you already moved to the next step of your plan kukuku..."

He isn't wrong in that.

"Ayanokouji why did you choosed her as partner and why not told us that."

"Ayanokouji-kun what dragon boy wants from you."

She really wants to do it.

After Ryuun Heard it he could not stop himself and about to attack Airsu.

He is just about to strike her but I stood up from seat and hold Arisu in my other arm and with my another hand stopped Ryuun's attack

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He is just about to strike her but I stood up from seat and hold Arisu in my other arm and with my another hand stopped Ryuun's attack.

"Ayanokouji-kun thanks for protecting me..."

I shaked off Ryuun hand with my power.

Seems like he won't stop till I show my skills so,if it comes to this then there is no point in holding back anymore.

"Kukuku... Let's have some fun now."

Quickly I took Arisu's hand in my hand, then brought her closer to me so that it will be easy for me to protect and fight at the same time.

Ryuun launches some sharp attacks at me but I managed to block all of them.

Then launched my own heavy attack at his shoulder.

"Gah-!?" having received my heavy blow, his shoulder is in pain now and so he backed down.

Showing little bit violence is fine since Nagamo allowed it from the beginning only.

After all he is complete opposite to Manebu who made so many rules to stop violence and fighting if anyone did broken the rules ,he would handled it personally.

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