Chapter 16: Class A

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Ayanokouji P.O.V

As I finished advising Horikita, I made my way toward Arisu, who was waiting for me in front of Class A.

Upon seeing me, she quickly came by my side

"Kiyotaka-kun, is it all over now?" Arisu asked, leaning closer to me.

"I believe so," I replied, disregarding her physical contact and maintaining my usual composure. "Although it remains to be seen how Horikita will implement the advice."

Horikita, now that I have left your class, I wonder how this will affect the overall outcome for Class B. Will it continue to maintain its position, or will the cracks begin to show? I suppose it's a waiting game now.

I glanced around the hallway and noticed Hashimoto and Mashima-sensei standing near the door.

"Shall we enter now? It would be beneficial for you to give a proper introduction to your new classmates," Sensei suggested, his voice tinged with doubt.

"To be honest, I would prefer to avoid drawing too much attention," I responded.

"Don't worry, Hashimoto has already informed the class to remain calm, hasn't he?" Arisu sought confirmation from Hashimoto.

"Yes, that's right," Hashimoto affirmed, nodding in agreement with Arisu. "I've already informed the class to maintain their composure and make Ayanokouji feel comfortable."

I pondered Hashimoto's words for a moment, appreciating his efforts to minimize any unnecessary attention. However, a sense of unease lingered within me, stemming from his peculiar personality.

"Let's head inside, then," I finally spoke up. "It's not as if this will be something new to me, especially after experiencing Class B's attention."

Arisu took the lead and pushed open the classroom door. As it swung open, revealing the room within, she suddenly froze, her eyes widening at the unexpected sight before her.

I followed Arisu's gaze and saw...

"Welcome, Princess," the entire class exclaimed in unison, kneeling on one leg and extending a warm welcome. "We are delighted for you, Princess. You have finally found your prince and brought him here to lead us to victory," they proclaimed, playing their roles with apparent enthusiasm.

Although I had expressed readiness, I hadn't anticipated being treated in such a manner. It made me uncomfortable, to say the least.

Even Arisu seemed at a loss for words, her confusion mirrored in her expression. What in the world was happening here?

"What is the meaning of this?" our sensei interjected, clearly unaware of the students' orchestrated display. "Return to your seats immediately. Ayanokouji needs to introduce himself," he instructed, attempting to restore a semblance of normalcy to the situation.

As the students obediently began to disperse, Arisu gently inquired, her smile unwavering, "Who instructed you to do this?"

"Well, um, it was Hashimoto," one of the students answered nervously. "He told us to greet you two as Prince and Princess, so we did."

Arisu's expression turned cold as she mused, "Fufufu... Did he know? Hashimoto, be prepared for your punishment later, alright?" Her words carried a subtle warning.

"What? But I-" Hashimoto's protest was abruptly cut off.

"I believe I made myself clear, didn't I? It wasn't a good idea," a girl with vibrant purple hair, Kumuro, one of Arisu's key allies, chimed in, stepping closer to Arisu.

Classroom Of the Elite: Kiyotaka's Class Transfer Where stories live. Discover now