Part 4 | Finally there?

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Two days later...

The three finally make it to Dreadfort, the Frostborn's HQ.
"Halt!" A guard at the entry said.
"Identify yourself now!" He would add.
"Commander Kathrine, from the Nemesis Outpost." Kathrine responded
"Ah, Ma'am. Nice to see you. One second, please. HEY MAN! OPEN UP THE GATE!" He shouted to the guards handling the gate.

The massive gate opened and the group moved to the Horse storage, Kathrine was escorted to the Hospital within the City

"Hey Akaya, make sure that the Nether Princess arrives at her... 'housing'." Kathrine said as she was brought away by two Doctors.
"Sure thing Ma-. Wait where did she go?" Unbenounced to Akaya and the guards, Abigail snug away from the crowd to search for Rain herself.

As Abigail wonders behind the massive bildings of the big City she was under constant fear of being spotted. After a few minutes she makes it to the Frostborne Castle walls. By throwing the spear she had from the fight a few days back into the ground on the opposite side she distracted the guards and managed to sneak into the Castle.

After entering the section which contains the Housings for Commanding staff as well as Frostborn Elites. She could hear guards speak.

"Hey man, did you hear? The Nether Princess snuck away from her escort. Hell knows what she plans to do here." Said a guard to another Soldier.
"Well, let's lookout for her. If she tries anything I will kill her myself, she is responsible for so many deaths amongst our own. I still don't get why they didn't execute her on the spot." The other guard replied.
"You really think you can take her on? From what I've heard she is a skilled fighter." The first one said.
"Eh, even if I can't defeat her. I could die knowing that I tried." The other guard said as he walked off.

"Huh, oh no. They are looking for me. If I want to get inside I can't let myself get spotted." Abigail thought. She sneaked by the guards into the building. "Here goes nothing. If I get caught in here it's over." She thought while searching the corridors. She evades patrols and roaming people by hiding in rooms or behind corners as she searched floor after floor for Rains room.

After looking for 30 minutes on the 6th floor she finally found it, a room with a sign on it which said Rain's name. She takes a deep breath, puts her hand at the door, and opens it.

Abigail enters the room slowly closing the door behind her. There he was. Rain was standing on his balcony as he noticed the door moving.

"Ever heard of kno-" He freezes as he turned around to see the Nether Princess. Tears would run down his eyes as he looked at her. He still remembers the countless times he hung out with her back in Glacierford. Well..before everything happened at least. He didn't want to face have to face her a second time. Once as already enough.
"S-So I suppose you came to take revenge. A clever plan to get to me. I am unarmed. Make. My. Day." Rain said to her face as he stretched out his arms to the side.
"I-Rain. I'm sorry I never mea-." Abigail would try to say as 5 Guards together with Akaya bust through the door pointing their weapons at her.
"NO!" Abigail would take a step back to get out of strike distance while raising her hands.
"Stand down!" Rain ordered the Guards
"I- I am not, the Nether Princess, not anymore. Please let me explain." Abigail would stutter.
"You can explain yourself later." Akaya said as two of the guards grabbed Abigail and moved her out of the room. The 5 guards walked of providing additional security. Only Akaya and Rain remained in the room.

"What was that all about." Akaya asked Rain.
"I have no idea, I thought I was done for. But she hesitated. And said this stuff. I'd like to talk with her again later." Rain said.
"I will see what I can do." Akaya responded shortly before exiting the room.

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