Hello there, this is a Alternate Universe of Rainimators Minecraft Animation Series. In this Alternate Universe Abigail Crystoffer also known as the Nether Princess survived her final encounter with Rain and regained conciseness.
This is my first writing project, I write when I am bored and have nothing else to do. Meaning that I am in no way educated in writing books or story's, the only things I know about writing has been given to me in 4 hours in school. Do not expect the story to make sense at all times and Characters will know information that was not known to you as the reader. If you don't like this then I don't force you to continue reading and you can do something else. If not, enjoy!
All characters belong to Rainimator (Radapedaxa#7912) I do not lay claim on any of the characters used in this story please don't sue me.
Now if you are not a fan of the prospect of letting Abigail come back alive that is completely fine. But I'd like to ask you to keep complains about how unrealistic or impossible it is to have Abigail survive to yourself. I have written this for fun and because I wanted to imagine how the story could alter if said event takes place. So enjoy the read and have fun.
People who were a part of this:
Me (AkayaAstraea)
Thanks to Arowalker_98#0168 for doing Renders :DDD
And thanks to the Abigail Cult supporters for their early feedback (Discord: gWu8eF7PtA)
PS: Bring Abi back!!!!!
My version of the story, Rain
FantasiaThis is an Altered version of Rainimator's Minecraft Animation Story. The Nether Princess Abigail survived her encounter with Rain but was forced to give up the Nether Star, what happened after that?