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"you did great today," Hela said to Astrid as they left the arena.

"I don't know my somersault was a bit off," Astrid said with a sigh.

"well I'll take your word for it but from what I saw if Snoutloud wasn't annoying you it would have been perfect" Hela tells making Astrid smile, "And if you need a training partner all you have to do is ask"

"Thank you," Astrid said before they heard a howl from their left they turned towards it and saw a black wolf jogging towards them.

"Hey bud," Hela said as she pats his head and his tail wagged before he suddenly stepped back and growled lightly making Hela chuckle as she put her hands up in surrender, "Alright, I'll apologise I haven't been spending time with you this week so how about you stick with me all day today," Hela said getting a bark and a few happy licks to the face.

"I'll see you later tonight," Astrid said as she kissed Hela before sprinting off in a direction. Hela grinned before walking towards the forest with Fenrir following her. They walked into the cove but Hela didn't see Troels which means he was out hunting so she played with Fenrir for a few minutes until she heard wings flapping and Fenrir started growling.

"well I think introductions are in order," Hela said as Troels landed and Fenrir stopped growling as he saw Hela was not worried or tense, "Troels this Fenrir he's been with me since I was 13, Fenrir this is Troels"

Troels walked over and sniffed Fenrir with him doing the same thing. Fenrir licked Troels nose making him sneeze and Hela laughed and Troels tripped her with his tail before making laughing noises.

"Alright that's enough I wanna do some testing on my new powers," Hela said as she got up she ignited her hand in green flames which she stared at since she didn't feel like it was burning her 'Does that mean I'm immune to fire' she thought before she let the fire dissipate, next she thought of breathing fire and she felt something well up in her throat before she let loose a stream of green flame that burned the grass and partly melted a rock a few feet away while Troels stared in awe at his rider.

Hela then had an idea as she turned to Troels, "Sapphira said that I have a connection with you so can I use my powers to strengthen you" and Troels tilted his head to the side confused but Hela walked up to him and put her hand on his head she closed her eyes and concentrated on strengthening his overall strength, speed and defence. Troels was engulfed in green flames that covered him in a cacoon-like form,

" This could take a while, Fenrir guard him for me would you I'm gonna go test out my wings," Hela told Fenrir who barked a confirmation. Hela nodded before rolling her shoulders as huge Dragon wings came out of her back they felt weird yet familiar as she instinctively knew how to use them, with a smile she crouched down and with a powerful flap of her wing she was air born.

She flew around the cove to get used to the feeling before ascending laughing excitedly as she did with her Dragon eyes active she sored through the clouds doing barrel rolls before dive-bombing towards the cove she unfolded her wings when the ground was getting close and landing with a superhero landing before laughing as she was still hyper from the adrenaline rush.

when she calmed down she noticed the fire cacoon around Troels was a bit bigger than it was when left and had blue electricity surging around it a few moments later, the fire died down to reveal the new and improved Troels as his size increased from 34 feet to 42 feet 8 inches in length, 7 feet in height with the wingspan 53 feet 3 inches to 56 feet 2 inches. His scales also changed as they got darker and looked more durable and a bit metallic blue electricity danced between the spines on his back before dying down.

"well you look awesome Troels why don't you try your plasma blast on that rock," Hela said as Troels nodded and opened his mouth as he readied the shot before firing the blast exploded when it hit the rock leaving behind a large crater with the red and green flames on the grass around the crater, "and that was only your basic plasma shot," Hela said stunned making Troels hold his head high with a proud look and Hela shakes her head in amusement.

"It looks like you're also gonna need a new saddle since the other one burned to ashes even if it didn't I doubt that it'll fit you now," Hela said as Troels pushed her playfully with his head making her chuckle until Fenrir jumped on her making her fully laugh with Troels doing the same.
on the other hand, Hiccup was tracking the night fury he let go the day before. His tracks lead him to a cove where he finds the night fury struggling to fly. He hides behind a rock before taking out his notebook and drawing it.

"Why don't you just fly away," Hiccup says to himself. The night fury fires a blue plasma blast at the ground in frustration and Hiccup sees it has one tail fin on its right and he drew two so he erases the left tail fin before starting at the Dragon in awe and dropping his pen attracting the dragon's attention to himself it stares at him in distrust and curiosity.
Later that night it's raining and everyone is in the great hall eating dinner.

"Alright where did Astrid go wrong in the ring today," Gobber asked.

"I mistimed my somersault thought it was sloppy and it threw off my reverse tumble," Astrid said sitting next to Hela and Fenrir laying next to her.

"Yeah, we noticed," Tuffnut said sarcastically Snoutloud opened his mouth to say something but Fenrir growled at him and he stayed quiet making Hela smirk as she patted his head.

"She's right you have to be tough on yourself, now where did Hiccup go wrong," Gobber asks as Hiccup takes a plate that was next to his sister and sits on the next empty table after thanking her.

"uhh he showed up," Tuffnut says.

"He didn't get eaten" Ruffnut adds.

"He's never where he should be," Astrid says before getting elbowed by Hela who gave her a look and Astrid quickly apologised as she knew how protective Hela was of Hiccup.

"Thank you, Astrid, we need to live and breath this stuff" Gibber says as he shows everyone a book, "The Dragon manual everything we know about every dragon we know of," he says before hearing thunder from outside, "no attacks tonight".

" Wait you mean read," Tuffnut asks.

"While we're still alive," Ruffnut adds.

"why read words when you can kill the stuff the words tells you about," Snoutloud says.

"I think reading's good for you but with his small your brain is snoutloud I don't think it'll make a difference," Hela says making everyone laugh except Snotloud.

"I read it like seven times there's this water Dragon that sprays boiling water at your face and this other Dragon -" Fishlegs says but Tuffnut cuts him off.

"Yeah, there was a chance I was gonna read that," He says.

"But now" Ruffnut adds with a bored tone.

"You guys read I'm gonna go kill stuff," Snoutloud says before leaving the twins and Fishlegs following.

"So I guess we'll share," Hiccup asks Hela and Astrid.

"Hiccup we've already read it so the book is all yours good night brother," Hela says as she and Astrid stand up to leave.

"Good night sis" Hiccup replies.

Hiccup starts reading the book after everyone leaves the great hall.

"Dragon classification Strike class, fear class, mystery class" he reads before flipping to the first dragon.

"Thunderdrum, this reclusive dragon inhabits sea caves and dark tidal pools. when startled this dragon produces a concussive sound that can kill a man at close range, extremely dangerous kill on sight" Hiccup reads before moving to the next page.

"Timber jack this gigantic creature has razor-sharp wings that can slice through full-grown trees, extremely dangerous kill on sight. Scauldron sprays scalding water at its victims, extremely dangerous -" He is cut off by thunder strike which scares him.

"Change wing even newly hatched dragons can spray acid kill on sight. Gronckles, Zippleback, The skrill, Boneknapper, Whispering death. Burns its victims, Buries its victims, chokes its victims, turns its victims inside out, extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous, kill on sight, kill on sight. Night fury: speed unknown, size unknown, the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself, never engage this Dragon your only chance hide and pray it does not find you." Hiccup reads before taking out his notebook with the drawing of the night fury and puts it on the empty night fury page.

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