Viking For Hire

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A Viking ship in the middle of the sea.

"Everybody needs a place in the world. Some people are born to theirs, " Hiccup (V.O)

Stoick shouts orders from the rear of the ship, "Raise the main sail! Turn it toward starboard!"


Hiccup reaches out to touch Toothless.

"Some people discover theirs," Hiccup (V.O)


Hela wakes up from her sleep after talking to Sapphira, she looks to the side of her bed and sees the sword.

"Some people inherit theirs," Hela (V.O)


Gobber pounds away at a sword with his hammer hand. He slides it into a cart filled with weapons and pulls it into the town square.

"And some people make a place for themselves," Hiccup (V.O)

"Grab a weapon! No need to be choosy!" Gobber shouts.

Vikings run at the dragons with their weapons.

A Monstrous Nightmare shoots a blast of fire, which narrowly misses Gobber. Another Viking swings his sword at another dragons. Vikings yell. Dragons roar.

A Nadder flies off into the sunset.


A Gronckle flies into town, carrying Fishlegs. Dragons and Vikings are living together. One Viking's giving his Gronckle a belly rub.

"But then the world around them changes, and the place they made is gone," Hela (V.O)

Gobber pounds at a sword with his hammer hand. He inspects it and sighs before sliding it into the cart.

Hela and Troels fly around the rocky cliffs of Berk and into the Dragon Training Academy, where Hiccup and the others are in the middle of class.

Hiccup stands in front of a blackboard with tally marks. Hela dismounts and decides to watch.

"Every dragon has its own unique abilities that give it its own special place in the world. Which dragon makes the best welding torch," Hiccup asks.

Astrid, Dawn and Fishlegs stand to the left of Hiccup.

"Oh! Deadly Nadder!" Astrid and Dawn yell out.

"Its magnesium flame burns with the heat of the sun!" Fishlegs adds

Hiccup adds a tally to the board. Astrid and Dawn bump fists.

"Correct! Point to team Astrid. Score is now one hundred to ten," Hiccup says.

"Isn't this team up kind of unfair" Troels says.

"Nah, if either Astrid or Dawn or Fishlegs was on the other team the twins and Snotlout would relay on them. This way they'll actually put an effort to think and answer for themselves," Hela tells him. Troels nods and continues watching.

"And you started with ten," Astrid mocks Tuffnut, Ruffnut and Snotlout who are on the other side of the arena.

"Oh yeah? Well, the game's not over," Tuffnut says before looking around confused, "Wait, what team am I on?"

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