How To Start A Dragon Academy

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Hela and Troels fly high above the village of Berk enjoying their morning flight. Troels folds his wings and starts descending through wispy clouds and skimming quickly around the mountains behind the village.

"This is Berk. For years it was Viking against dragon. The battles were ferocious...then one day, everything changed." Hela narrates as they ascend back up into the clouds.

"She met me and together with her brother and Toothless we've shown people here that instead of fighting my kind they can live with us, train us, and if they are lucky ride us," Troels added as Hiccup and Toothless joined them in the sky.

Hiccup adjusts Toothless's prosthetic tail fin as they fly, and the four soar effortlessly through the clouds, completely in sync. 

They land softly on a nearby sea pillar where Snotlout, Astrid, Dawn, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Fishlegs, and all their dragons have also landed. 

"Why are we up here again?" Troels asked.

"Okay guys, best trick competition" Hiccup declares unknowingly answering Troels's question.

"Uh....." Fishlegs starts but is cut off by Snotlout.


"Actually I think it's....."

"Me!" Snotlout cuts him off again.

"Oh, sweet baby Thor in a thunderstorm, go!" Astrid tells him annoyed.

"Oh don't worry, we'll go. And when we go, Hookfang and I are gonna light the sky with-" Hookfang jumps off the cliff with Snotlout in tow before he even finishes his gloating, "-FIRE! Oh no!!!!"

Hookfang soars low to the water, diving through the openings of the pillars and cliffs of the North Sea and taking enjoyment in Snotlout's frightened screams.

The dragon flies through the narrow opening between two pillars and Snotlout's helmet scrapes the side of one of the pillars, his rider completely terrified at that point. Still, Hookfang finishes by diving underwater before flying back up to where the other riders are, thoroughly proud of himself for scaring Snotlout.

"I'm alive...? I'm alive!" Snotlout exclaims in relief before seeing everyone giving him a deadpan look. He immediately tries to cover his frightened expression but no one's buying it. He still tries anyways, " Of course I am"

"It's my turn!" Fishlegs says as he readies himself on Meatlug, "Ready Meatlug? Here we go!"

Seemingly getting ready to do something amazing, everyone is surprised to see that Meatlug and Fishlegs simply ride in a small circle around the pillar before landing again with a sheepish pride in their performance.

"Yes! New personal best!" Fishlegs says as he gives Meatlug an affectionate hug and Meatlug returns it by licking the side of his face.

"That kid has some major confidence issues," Troels says and Hela nods in agreement.

"My turn!" Ruffnut says excitedly throwing her hands up.

"No, it's my turn," Tuffnut says forgetting they were on the same dragon. Hiccup intervenes before it can escalate to an argument.

"Guys, same dragon," He tells them with a roll of his eyes.

"Oh, right," Tuffnut says.

Ruffnut and Tuffnut head bump before flying off on their Zippleback--Barf and Belch--but right from the start the two can't agree on which way to fly.

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