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The next morning Hela woke up with a plan to test out her transformation and to also test out how long she can hold her breath attack since most dragons have a limited amount of shots so she wants to see if she has a limit as well so she got up and made breakfast for her and her brother which included some eggs, yak meat, bread and milk. She ate hers before picking up Hiccup's portion and going up the stairs where his room is only to find him sleeping on his desk his bed looked like it hadn't been slept on all night. She shakes her head since this is a common think with Hiccup.

Hela walked up to him, placed his breakfast on his desk before looking at the paper drawings of Toothless, some saddles and his prosthetic tail fin.

"Oh, brother you're being way too careless with this stuff" Hela said as she grabbed his drawings put them together and put them in his note book before shaking him to get him up.

"Hiccup wake up its time for breakfast" she said gently, Hiccup groaned and tried move away from Hela's hand only to fall from his chair waking himself fully while Hela laughed.

"That was not funny Hela" Hiccup said while rubbing his side.

"It was pretty funny for me" Hela told him still laughing a bit.

"I could have broken my arm you know" Hiccup said a small smile forming on his lips.

"And I would have patched you up it wouldn't be the first time I had to patch you up from a self-inflicted injury now would it" Hela said with a raised eyebrow and Hiccup had the decency to look flustered making Hela chuckle.

"Alright enough of that eat your breakfast I'm going out for a bit I'll see you at the arena with the others" Hela said as she ruffled his hair before walking away.

"Where are you going this early in the morning?" Hiccup asked as he took a bite off the yak meat moaning in delight at the test he always loved his sisters cooking.

"I'm going to the cove to hang out a bit with Troels" She said as she walked away before stopping at the edge of the stairs and turned to Hiccup with a serious look, "And Hiccup please keep those drawing of Toothless in your note book and not on the desk were dad can find them since we don't know when he's coming back"

"I'll keep that in mind" Hiccup said seriously knowing that was his mistake.

"Good" Hela said before going on her way.

When she got out of the house she was tackled to the ground by Fenrir who started licking her face while his tail wagged happily.

"HA HA, good morning to you too Fenrir" Hela said as she sat up before patting him on the head. She looked at his empty bowl and smiled before scratching him behind the ears. She got up said good bye to Fenrir as she started jogging towards the wood she passed by Gobber's workshop.

"Good morning Gobber" She greeted him.

"Mornin' lass where're you headed to this early in the mornin'" He asked.

"Just off to my usual morning workout I woke earlier than usual" She said with a smile.

"Alright just be careful out there and I'll see you at the arena" Gobber said making Hela nod her head as she continued towards the woods. After she got a bit farther away from the village she stopped to listen to see if someone was around or following her and took a sniff of the air just to be safe. When she deemed it safe she let out her dragon wings before smiling and flying towards the cove.

When she got there she found Troels still asleep, he woke up when she landed but upon seeing it was Hela he groaned and faced the other way making Hela smile at his behavior.

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