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Hela and Astrud flew over to the Island with excitement bubbling in their chest. From this high up Hela could see how big the Island was. It was covered in lush green forest undisturbed by humans, with 3 tall mountains spread out in a curve at the center of the Island, 3 rivers streaming down them and pouring into a massive lake. It was breathtaking.

Hela wondered if she would be able to learn the magic used to hide such an Island. Her mind already thinking of how useful it would be. She's taken out of her thoughts when she feels like they passed through a thin layer of water.

"Did you guys feel that?"

"Feel what?" Astrid asks looking around cautiously, She and Stormfly come to a stop next to the two.

"We just passed through a magic barrier," Hela informs her, "I guess that is how this Island is invisible to others,"

They flew down and landed on a beach that was nestled between towering cliffs and lush greenery. Its sands were as soft as silk, shimmering under the golden rays of the sun. The water, a mesmerizing shade of turquoise, danced with the gentle breeze, inviting all who beheld it to dive into its enchanting depths.

"This place is beautiful," Astrid comments.

Hela hums in agreement as she looks over the water a slight ripple catches in the corner of her eye and she turns to get a better look. She catches blue scales and a snake-like body moving below the surface of the water.

"Did you see something?" Astrid asks seeing her distracted.

But before Hela can answer something jumps out of the water. Startled they all take a defensive stance before relaxing slightly seeing that it's a dragon and one they never saw before.

The dragon lands on the beach and Hela realizes it was what she saw

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The dragon lands on the beach and Hela realizes it was what she saw.

"I've been expecting you, Your Highness," The Dragon bows.

"Raise your head," She tells him as she relaxes completely the others doing the same.

"It is an honor to finally meet you, Queen Hela, I am Aquarius the Guardian of this Island,"

"How do you know my name?" Hela asks taken aback.

Aquarius smiled at her although on a dragons face it looked like a snarl, "From Troels," Seeing the shocked look on Troels face he explained further, "We guardians are connected and since your Queensguard introduced himself to Toren while giving your name,"

Hela nods understanding that every Guardian out there knows her name by now. She then turns to Troels, who looks away from her, with an amused look in her eye, "You gave yourself quite the important role there,"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Troels says refusing to meet her eyes.

Hela chuckles, "Sure you don't,"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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