Chapter 2

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To be honest it wasn't too bad. Cartman doesn't have any classes with me. I got so lucky.
People still laughed at me. The halls were the worst since Cartman led me to my class with the leash. Fucking embarrasing. Lunch was, okay I guess. I didn't pack a lunch like a dumbass.
"Y/n, why don't you have lunch?" Kyle asked. Kyle was always the parent of our group. He took a weird interest in me though. I made fun of him just like Cartman but he didn't care. Honestly Kyle wasn't a bad kid he was just easy to pick on.
"I forgot-" I got cut off by Cartman's hand going over my mouth.
"Cats can't talk." He mocked me. I bit his hand.
"OW! What the fuck was that for" He yelled and bonked my head.
"Suck my balls bitch!" I yelled back and flipped him off. We started punching each other. I pushed him off the chair and started punching him in the face. He was much bigger than me. Considering he's Eric Cartman. He kicked me off of him, and started pulling my hair.
Kids started to gather around us. He kept hitting me but eventually I slipped out. I ran at him trying to get him to the ground. He pushed back but I got him down. I was sitting on top of him at this point. He gave out and went limp.
"Don't fuck with me bitch." I whispered in his ear.
"Fucking die bitch." He said back to me. Then he bit my neck really fucking hard since I pinned down his arms. Next thing I know I passed out. I woke up in the nurse's office. Cartman in the bed next to me. All I could remember was fighting Cartman then passing out. My head was throbbing and my eye hurt like a son of a bitch. I felt my head to make sure I still had the cat ears on.
I grabbed them and threw them to the other side of the room. Ew I hate this. I felt my eye. It was hella swollen.
"Ow- holy shit" I said out of the pain. Definitely have a black eye. I reached over to the night stand to get my phone. I looked at a message Stan sent me. Maybe I can find out what happened.
I looked at the video he sent. Oh great. I skipped to the part where Cartman bit me. What I saw was horrifying. I MOANED?! Ew ew ew ew what the fuck. Cartman bit my neck I moaned and fucking passed out. Really? He passed out right after though. Weird. I texted Stan.
Y/n- Stan you have to get rid of that video. I can't let people see that.
Stan - Y/n it's too late dude everyone has the video.
Y/n- WTF!!!
Stan - It's everywhere and now people think you and Cartman fucked or smthn.
Y/n- WHAT?!?! No no no this can't be happening.
Stan - You should get some rest. Go to sleep dumbass
Stan - Peace.
What the actual fuck. I put my phone down and looked over at Cartman. He was looking at me. I quickly looked away. Why was he looking at me what the fuck.
"Did you see the video?" I asked hoping he didn't.
"Dude I didn't need to see the video that shit happened in front of my eyes. You are some kinky mother fucker." He said back to me laughing under his breath.
"Agh- WHAT!" I yelled back at him, honestly shocked.
"It was really gay too" He said trying to piss me off at this point.
"WHAT I AM NOT GAY!" I yelled back at him again. I coughed that shit hurt my throat. I was done with this. I got up from the bed. Cartman stood up after.
"What are you doing?" He asked while he walked up to me.
"Going home obviously." I said back to him as I put on my shoes.
"Alone?" He questioned, something was up.
"Yea?" I looked at him. We were super close.
"Bye" I said and started walking to the door. Cartman grabbed my arm. What was he doing this time? I turned around waiting for a response.
"I know we aren't on the best terms but, Wendy is having a party for Valentine's Day. Do you wanna ruin it with me?" He seemed really sincere. I looked into his eyes. We both hated Wendy. There wasn't anything wrong with her, she was just really PC and it was annoying.
"Ok, umm sure." I said back. Wait, was this like a date? I had to make sure. That would be kinda weird if it was.
"Is this like a date?" I asked, my face was heating up.
"What?! No!" He said as he looked at me weird.
"Ok good!" I said, walking away. "Bye!" I yelled at him while I ran out the door.
Was I excited? Yea a little. Ok maybe more than a little.

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