Chapter One:Resurrection

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Lights, that's all he could remember. The feeling of rebirth, Y/N L/N is or was just a kid that lived his life the way all of us have. Happy, uncaring , not knowing what the next day would be or what would happen. Not knowing his death was immenant, not knowing that his death would change the tide of everything in this universe yet to come.

 Not knowing his death was immenant, not knowing that his death would change the tide of everything in this universe yet to come

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My name is Jon Osterman or I least was I am now known as Dr.Manhatten. I have gazed upon this universe for centuries looking at their heroes, villains, their rises and their falls. Countless futures yet the same fate. Ultimate destruction.

My powers grant me the power to see these futures but its not my purpose to intervine. It's merely to watch but I can no longer watch I must take action but in a way that will change everything. He is the one, A young man named Y/N L/N. No great abilities, no riches, merely a man whose life I will change for better or for worst. His choices will shape all of their destinies.

To create a better world or destroy it.


Y/N woke up to the sound of his cellphone ringing, He raised his head from his computer's keyboard looking out the window to see the sun beaming at his face. Phone still ringing he finally picked it up to see an unknown number "Hello?" Y/N said answering the phone "Today is a new beginning, use it wisely" The voice on the other end said before hanging up "The hell?" Y/N muttered before a knock on his door caused him to jump his mother entered the room "Come on, can't be late for school kiddo" She said closing the door.

Y/N scratched his head shaking the moment he had earlier from his thoughts, He got up from his computer getting dressed for school but seemed slower than usual, his head feeling like a church bell ringing over and over again his eyes felt like they were burning from the light around the room only seeing a green aura around the room. "Jesus, I think I stayed up to late last night" He said scratching his eyes but it didn't help much, slipping on a pair of black shades seemed to ease the pain but not the headache. His mother placed his breakfast in front of him like she always do every morning but he simply stared at the plate dazed almost "You okay, honey?" She asked "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine mom. I just feel...I don't know" Y/N said not sure how to explain the feelings he have right now without sounding crazy"Try to explain it" She said sitting down opposite end of the table "Have you ever just felt like today is different , like you've done everything before?" Y/N asked

"It's called Deja vu, sweetie, I have it every time I have to wake you up. Now hurry up school starts in fifteen minutes and Paul isn't coming by today so you have to walk" She said tiring her in a ponytail for work Y/N rolled his eyes. He never liked Paul and never will. Paul is a asshole his mom started dating for a while after his father passed away, it was only for a little he seemed like a good guy until he showed his true colors.

Y/N left the house bookbag slung over his shoulder walking down the sidewalk. Headphones blasting in his ears playing Nirvana. He dropped his phone in the middle of the street but as he tried to catch it before hitting the ground something strange happened. It stopped mid air like it was frozen in time. "What the fuck?" Y/N said he looked around him to see if the same was happening for other people but he was wrong it wasn't happening for them it was happening to them. Everyone looked as if they were frozen in time "Okay I'm officially dreaming right now" Y/N said to himself in disbelief he looked back to his phone and noticed a shadow casting over it and him he turned to his left to see a large semi truck.

The truck was inches away from hitting the yelling but there was no sound and his mouth wasn't even moving. He picked up his but before he could move at the way everything started going back to normal slowly increasing in speed. He turned to the truck again to see it's going to hit him. Y/N stuck his hand out hoping whatever before would happen again but it was no luck instead something else did a green aura covered his hand touching the grill of the truck causing it to flip over him crashing upside down. Y/N was in shock people began to record him and the accident
Y/N ran thinking that's the only option "Shit!, What the hell is happening to me!" Y/N said scared and confused.

He ran to an alleyway hiding behind a dumpster hoping no one saw him. Both hands began to glow uncontrollably Y/N shook his hands trying to stop it "What's going on!" He whispered yelled to himself "Identify yourself" A robotic voice said Y/N looked up to see four Lexcorp metahuman droids hovering above him"It was an accident I swear!" Y/N yelled trying to plea with the robotic men one began scanning Y/N. "Omega level metahuman threat level:Extreme" It said raising its arm activating it's weapons system the others followed in unison "No stop don't shoot!" Y/N yelled he tried to use these strange new powers but nothing happened. Before they could fire an arrow hit the leader in the head causing it to hit the ground sparks flying from its head.

The others formed a circle trying to identify the attacker. A man landed on one stabbing it in the head with a electric staff hitting it multiple times breaking it's head, Y/N watched as this man continued to fight the droids one by one turn them into scrap parts. The man approached Y/N giving him a better look at the man.

"Come with us if you don't want to be a lab rat the rest of your life" Robin said Y/N was at awe seeing the hero in person "Your Robin, the Robin" Y/N said shocked still "That's my name don't wear it out" He said chuckling a little, a woman next t...

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"Come with us if you don't want to be a lab rat the rest of your life" Robin said Y/N was at awe seeing the hero in person "Your Robin, the Robin" Y/N said shocked still "That's my name don't wear it out" He said chuckling a little, a woman next to him wearing a green costume with an bow and arrow.

"Come with us if you don't want to be a lab rat the rest of your life" Robin said Y/N was at awe seeing the hero in person "Your Robin, the Robin" Y/N said shocked still "That's my name don't wear it out" He said chuckling a little, a woman next t...

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"Robin, we have to leave now before more of those scrapbuckets show up" She said before looking at Y/N then back to Robin "And he's not exactly muscle for that fight"

"Your right, Artemis call the Bio-Ship. We need to move out" Robin said she nodded pressing a button on here wrist watch. A light beamed on the the three Y/N looked at the light noticing the strange shape of the ship before they began to levitate. Y/N eyes rolled before passing out.

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