Chapter Three:We need a hero

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Y/N wandered around the cave exploring every aspect bored out of his mind wishing he had his phone to call and check up on his mom. He messed around with his powers for little, he sat in meditative position closing his eyes and focusing on what he wants to do after opening he looked to see everything in the cave was levitating including himself. "Maybe I was wrong about these-Argh!" Y/N screamed in pain as his head started ringing dropping to the ground along with everything in the room. He screamed in pain clinching his head he Bagan to see Visions of the team in trouble and most of them being...killed and tortured.

It ended as it came quickly, Y/N slowly but quickly got up running to the command hub. "I have to get in contact with the Justice League fast" He said taking out the note he reached the hub and began typing the code. "Activating Protocol M25-1960" an AI voice said an hologram appeared showing Batman in his cockpit "Who is this?" He asked "I don't know if there is a enough time but the team are in trouble, Robin told me to activate this protocol to contact the League" Y/N quickly explained "Where are they" Batman said "LexCorp, It was a break in they went to check it out but I think something went wrong" Y/N said Batman scowled at him similar to Robin's but better "I'll send an available League member to the location" He said then the call went off "No wait!" Y/N said but the call ended "They might not make it in time, I have to do something" Y/N said he ran to the Boom Tube not sure how it works. "Hello?" He said hoping it would speak back but nothing "Okay, Robin, hope your theory is right" Y/N said activating his powers holding his hand towards the machine closing his eyes.

He began to absorb all the information about it and how to work it, but in the process gain a new ability as well. He opened his eyes glowing he began to form an hand sign similar to a show he watched as a kid and began to phase out of reality then in instant he was there. Well hopefully he looked around where he was and It looked like a warehouse.

Filled with LexCorp containers and crates "Guess I'm in the right place, now time to find the others but how?" He said cautiously walking through the warehouse. He had another idea to contact them.


"Well fearless leader, how are you going to get us out of this one" Wally said strapped to a table with speed dampeners. "I'm working on it" Robin said in a cell all his gadgets gone and gear still wearing his mask "Well work faster, I hate being in test tubes" Connor said in a test run with a infrared light inside mimicking a red sun "Guys fighting isn't going to solve anything, Robin any way to get hold of the league?" Artemis asked in the same cell as Robin "No all my gear is gone and Y/N has no clue what's happening" Robin said frustrated "Yeah and I'm pretty sure Y/N wouldn't even know how to work the command hub" Connor stated.

"Guys can you hear me?"

The team were all confused "Guys I think I'm losing my mind because I think I just heard Y/N in my head" Wally said "I think we all did...I think he established a telepathic link like Miss.Martian" Robin said

"Y/N, Is that you?" Robin said through his mind "Yeah, I'm here but just hang on I'll find you guys and break you out" Y/N asked on his end he decided to try something else "Anime, Work on my side again" He said to himself closing his eyes he focused on the telepathic link he has with Robin using it as a mark to target his teloportation drop. He placed two fingers on his forehead then teleported. He opened eyes to see Robin and Artemis surprised to see him in their cell "Well this seems pretty comfy" Y/N joked "Y/N you keep surprising me, did you get in contact with the League?" Robin asked Y/N nodded "Now how are you going to get us our of here?" Artemis asked.

"Robin, got any ideas?" Y/N asked "If you can teleport with me to that terminal I can open all the cells" He explained Y/N grabbed Robin teleporting to the terminal. Robin began hacking into it before a smoke bomb hit the ground. "Thought I told you kids to stay in your cells" A male voice said as he stepped out of the smoke.

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