Chapter Twelve: Anarchy

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Y/N watched as the news feed cut off, 'John Zucco is Tony Zucco's cousin and the one who's bank was broken into, those thugs must be under Anarky'

Y/N thought pacing inside the hotel room.

Bzzz bzzz

His phone rang "Hello?" He said answering the phone "Y/N, Are you alright? I heard the news" He immediately recognized the voice "I'm fine, Mom, are you safe?" Y/N asked "I'm fine,sweetie, Rose is a very sweet girl"

"Don't trust her, you don't know what she's capable of"

"A day ago I didn't know what you could do, not everything is expected to be how it seems"

"I know...I've got to go, I love you"

"I love you too, tell Rose I said dinner will be waiting"

The call ended leaving him confused by her last words "Your mom is sweet" Rose said Y/N quickly turned around Rose was standing by the door "Why aren't you with her?" Y/N asked stepping forward "Well I was but she wanted me to find you after we settled down, looks like your running solo now. Guess the sidekicks weren't your style" Rose said sitting on the bed "You've found me, now go" He simply said "Fine, by the way who's this Anarky guy?" She asked "None of your concern"

"He's yours right? You've only been here for five minutes and your already being a hero, why?" Rose asked Y/N looked out his window staring at the city "Gotham showed me that there's no such thing as good or evil, just what a person truly are in the light and in the dark, this city doesn't have a Batman or Superman. It's easy for the corrupt to take hold of her, only I can show them that their deeds will not go unpunished" Y/N stated

Rose chuckled "What's funny?" He asked curious to what amused her "Nothing, you and Anarky would get along just fine" Rose stated Y/N raised an eyebrow "He's a murderer, I'm nothing like him" Y/N said "Right, both wanting to get rid of those who has hurt others that are innocent, your only exception is not killing them. Your right he's better" Rose said

"People don't have to die, even those who are far from innocent deserves another chance"

"Really? Even my dad" Asked Rose Y/N was silent Rose approached him both standing close to each other "What about me? You could've turned me in and took your mom to the Jr. Justice league instead you left her with me a murderer, why?" She asked Y/N looked her in the eyes "Because you want another chance and I'm giving you one" Y/N said Rose smiled a little "When he finds you and he will, he'll try to kill you by any means necessary, he'll stop at nothing to get his revenge what will you do to stop him, what are you prepared to do?" Rose said looking him in the eyes a knock on the door interrupted their moment.

"Hey, Y/N, sorry I came unannounced I brought some food" Catalina said standing in the hallway.

"Didn't know you had a girlfriend?" Rose said stepping away from Y/N "She's a friend" Y/N said Rose opened the window "That's how it always start, see you around, hero" She said leaping out the window into the night.

Y/N lingered for a moment thinking about her question would prison stop Deathstroke? He shook off the thought walking to the door opening it. "Hey" Y/N greeted "Hey, sorry about the visit just wanted to talk" Catalina said Y/N let her in Catalina sat the food down on a dresser "I'm guessing you've heard the news?" Catalina asked Y/N nodded "A serial killer is on the loose who would've thought" Y/N said "Not just a serial killer one gunning for the Zucco crime family ever since you showed things are going off the rails" Catalina stated Y/N chuckled "Here I thought I was a good luck charm around people" Y/N said "Well there are some positives, there's someone else gunning for Zucco. Blüdhaven has it's very own vigalante" Catalina said Y/N raised an eyebrow "Really what's his name?" Y/N asked "I don't know he came to me last night with evidence that could get Zucco behind bars for good" Catalina said "Well that's good hope he's not like this Anarky guy" Y/N said Catalina shook her head "I got a feeling he's better for this city a lot of stuff has happened under the police noses yet this guy found the one thing I've been searching for my whole career simply by chance, it's a tough pill to swallow but it's reality the police can't get it done but he can" Catalina stated Y/N didn't know how to feel this sudden weight on his shoulders "I don't think he's doing this because he's the only one that can" I said she raised an eyebrow "Oh really, well why do you think he does it?" She asked "To show that their is no reason to fear those in power to show anyone can stand up against those who prey on the weak" I answered Catalina stared at me questioningly "Sounds like you know him well" She said "Guess we've got the same mind" Y/N stated smirking.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2023 ⏰

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