Chapter Six:Reunited

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"Batman" Guardian said Batman dropped from high ground approaching him "Who are you?" Batman asked in a demanding tone which put Guardian on guard "I contacted you last night about the team" Guardian said Batman tightened his stare before using his wrist bracers to contact Robin. "I have your freind with me" Batman said showing Guardian Robin looked shocked "I'm on my way" He said cutting the line "In the meanwhile, we need to talk" Batman said Guardian just stared at the Dark Knight.


"Guys, you won't believe this!" Robin yelled entering the living room of Mount Justice base the team looked to Robin "Well dude don't keep us waiting, spit it out!" Wally said playing a foosball game byhimself at super speed "Agreed" Kaldur said sitting down cleaning his Atlantien tech "Y/N's alive!" Robin exclaimed the team surrounded Robin happy to hear the news "Where is he?" Kaldur asked "Still in Gotham with Batman" He answered everyone peaked interest even more "How'd he even get in touch with Batman let alone be in the same room" Wally said "It doesn't matter what matter is Y/N's alive" Connor said glad to know of this information.

"Connor's right, let's go get him" Artemis said "Batman wanted me to go personally apparently we don't have a zeta tube installed in the Batcave yet' Robin said "We'll be back in no time" He said walking to the zeta tube before teleporting. "When did you start liking Y/N, Connor?" Artemis asked "Who said I didn't like him?" Connor answered "Everything" Everybody said he simply rolled his eyes "Shut up" He said leaving the room.


Batman sat in his chair in the Batcave montering Justice League reports on the batcomputer while Guardian admired the cave's artifacts per say one being the giant mechanical T-Rex. "Guessing you love dinosaurs" Guardian said while Batman stayed silent "Nevermind" He muttered "Don't take it personal sir, he's not the talking type" Alfred said approaching Guardian "I see that" He responded "Tea sir?" Alfred offered "Thank you" Guardian said taking a cup deactivating the bottom of his helmet sipping the tea "This is good" Guardian said taking another sip "Thank you, sir" Alfred nodded walking away.


Guardian looked up to see Robin at the entrance before leaping doing a front flip landing in front of him engulfing him in a hug "We thought you we're dead" Robin said "I had some help" He said Robin let go raising an eyebrow "Who?" He asked "Gotham, you we're right. There is good in this city" Guardian stated Batman grinned slightly to the statement unbeknownst to them.

"I told you, all you had to do was look closely" Robin said smiling "Robin, Guardian, come here" Batman said the two approached him "Before you leave I have a mission for you two, The League needs me for a mission. The two of you will follow a investigation of mine that has appeared recently" Batman explained "What is it?" Robin asked Batman pulled up a image of a crime scene.

"A warehouse by the docks have been raided killing two security guards. Warehouse belonging to Black Mask, safe to say this was an attack on his operation question is who it is exactly"

"Go, We'll handle it" Guardian stated Robin nodded "What he said" Batman got up from his chair "Good, I'll contact you both when I come back" He said walking away and getting in the Batmobile driving out of the cave. "Alright let's go out there" Robin said walking to the Batwing "Are you sure you know how to fly that thing?"

"Yeah I've done it before besides he took  the other wheels we had and my motorcycle isn't made for two" Robin explained opening the cockpit to the Batwing "Will the two of you be returning sir?" Alfred asked as Robin and Guardian entered the Batwing "No Alfred, don't stay up for us" Robin answered closing the cockpit windows. Activating the thrusters rocketing out of the cave.

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