Chapter Five: Helping Hand

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"C'mon Jason, just do it!" A boy yelled daring his freind who stood on top of a junked car with a skate board in his hand "Are you sure you reinforced the ramp like I told you to!" Jason yelled back "Yeah a couple ciderblocks should keep it steady"

"Whatever" Jason muttered he looked down the makeshift ramp "Okay here we go" He said before jumping off the car and placing the board onto his feet landing on the ramp riding down it at high rate of speed "Wooo!" Jason yelled suddenly a wheel on his board broke popping off causing Jason to lose control "Shit!" Jason yelled crashing sending across the junkyard and into a waste dump "Ewww gross" The boy states looking at Jason sitting in sewage water.

"Shut up" all Jason said looking away from his freind before a sewage dump poured out the drain but with a body. "Okay we need to go it's a dead body man" His freind said looking at the body covered in sewage Jason looked closely noticing it shining Jason got up cautiously approaching the body crouching to get a closer look. Swiping off the sewage to show a white and Grey armor "How much you think we can get at the pawn shop for all of this?" Jason asked grinning before he was grabbed by the collar "Not enough" Guardian stated letting the boy go "Jesus! I'm out" The boy said running away while Jason began to follow Y/N tried to get back up but fell back to the ground Jason noticed the guys condition.

"Are you okay?" Jason asked walking back to the man "I'm fine" Guardian said attempting to stand but failed hitting the ground "And I thought I was stubborn" Jason muttered he picked the man up which was pretty hard considering he's just a kid and the guys he's carrying is wearing heavy armor "Man you need to layoff the food" Jason joked trying his best to carry him across the junkyard.

"Where are you taking me?" Guardian asked "My house" Jason said carrying Guardian off out of the junkyard into the streets of Gotham.


Jason opened the door dragging Guardian in with him being out of breath "Man your heavy" Jason said trying his best to place him on the couch. He got a better look at the armor seeing it damaged and peices of it broken off "Jesus what happened a building fall on you or something?" Jason asked Guardian turned to him "Yes" He said sitting himself grunting in the process "Cool it, if you're telling the truth no way your getting out of here on two feet" Jason said holding a first aid kit "Why are you helping me? Your friend ran why didn't you go with him?" Guardian asked stretching his shoulder "It's right thing to do plus who knows maybe you'll owe me a favor one day" Jason said sitting next to Guardian "I have a feeling that favor is now" Guardian said looking at the boy who looked down saddened.

"It's my mom, she's been missing for days now. I don't care what you do or whatever but seeing you dressed like that gives me an idea that you can fight which is what I need to get her"

"From who?"

"Carmine Falcone, He's a mob boss who runs a club in Gotham called the Iceberg Lounge. His partner is The Penguin, they got my mom working there with a debt over her head that she'll never pay off all because she stole some cash from an register...for us" Jason explained angrily balling up his fist but Y/N could read that behind his anger was sadness "I'll help you, Where Is the Iceberg Lounge?" Guardian said Jason looked at him and smiled


Guardian and Jason stood on top of a rooftop overlooking the Iceberg Lounge. Guardian scoped out the spot watching closely to the securities movement and the female workers "Kid, after I do this what's your plan? They'll come looking for you both and I won't be here to protect you forever" Guardian said "I've got money saved for the both of us, we're going to get out of Gotham" Jason answered Guardian looked at him

"How'd you get this money for the two of you?"

"Do you really want to know?" Jason asked smirking Guardian turned back to the building "No" He replied before spotting Jason's mother in Penguins office. "Alright, stay here I'll be back" Guardian said before Jason could respond he dived off the building gliding to the main window.

"You know Miss.Todd, I believe you have been doing good work and you are close to paying your debt but not close enough, I'm offering you a proposal I spare your life in exchange you give us your son to work off your debt til he's eighteen or you die and your son becomes a soldier for my people well to be specific a fall guy" Cobblepot said lighting a cigar "Please Mr.Cobblepot Jason is a good boy leave him out of this" Jason's mother pleaded Cobblepot grinned seeing her beg

"That's not my choice Miss.Todd"

Guardian crashed through the window surprising the two of them "What the hell!" Cobblepot yelled drawing his Pistol before he could fire in a split second Guardian dashed at him grabbing is wrist breaking it "Fucking hell!" Cobblepot yelled screaming in pain dropping his gun Guardian lifted him up then slammed him on the desk grabbing him by the throat. Guardian dragged him off the desk carrying him to the window.

Guardian dangled him across the ledge by his foot "Who the hell are you!" Cobblepot yelled terrified out of his mind "I'm Justice" Guardian said before knocking him out throwing him across the room while Mrs.Todd watched in fright Guardian approached her slowly "Please don't hurt me!" She screamed "Your son sent me, your safe" He said she calmed down a little "Jason? Where is he? Is he alright?" She said asking numerous questions Guardian held her hand teleporting her to the rooftop. She was shocked at first but quickly saw Jason "Mom!"


They ran to eachother in a warm embrace Y/N couldn't help but smile under his helmet Guardian put his hands together using his powers creating a large stack of money "That should be enough for you two to get of Gotham and start a new life" Guardian said handing Jason's mother the money "Thank you" She said tears streaming "I said I had it covered" Jason said smiling "It's just in case, stay safe"

"You too, don't have anymore buildings fall on you" Jason said grabbing his mother's hand walking to the exit leaving the hero's sight. "That was good work you did tonight" A deep voice said Guardian turned around to see Gotham's protecter.

 "That was good work you did tonight" A deep voice said Guardian turned around to see Gotham's protecter

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