Chapter Nine:Outcast

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"The Police have now issued an arrest for Y/N L/N for assault on two police officers and escaping questioning, the district police chief is holding a press conference to speak on this matter"

"This civilian is now been identified as the metahuman that was involved with the incident of a vehicle three weeks ago and now assaulting two officers of this city. We will not stand by and let this city be under the danger of this teenager who has no regard for the safety of others"

The hologram turned off as Robin stared at Y/N angrily "What the hell happened" He said the team turned to Y/N awaiting his answer "I've already told you, Deathstroke came to my house and started a fight and now we're here" Y/N said holding the bridge of his nose "That doesn't explain you attacking the police!" Robin yelled Y/N rose from his seat "So I was supposed to let them arrest me on some bullshit charges!"

"We don't attack the police, they would've listened to you!"

"For the sidekick of Batman your real gullible to think the system would really work in my favor, I'm a Metahuman who nearly killed someone and blew up his own house. They would have gave me time regardless of the truth" Y/N said gripping the table angrily bending in the process "I understand but we can't let you stay here in hiding" Robin stated Y/N looked around the table seeing everyone disapproved faces on the matter "Everyone or just you" Y/N said looking Robin in the eyes "Y/N...turn yourself in and we'll help you the best we can" Robin said "And if I don't...what will you do?" Y/N asked the team looked Robin waiting for his next move.

"I don't want a fight with you Y/N...but if that's what it's going to be" Robin said before throwing smoke bombs at Y/N which blinded him from seeing Robin, he handed Kid Flash a collar he sped to Y/N quickly putting the collar on his neck. After the smoke went away Y/N charged at Robin who didn't even move instead took a remote device pressing a button resulting in the collar electricuting Y/N who dropped to the ground yelling out in pain on his knees.

"Stand down, that's a hundred volts should be enough to neutralize you for a while" Robin stated Y/N looked up at Robin angrily eyes switching from green while his irises turning Yellow, his body began to grow as a green aura shined around him.

He struggled to stand only fueled by his anger and pain his power began to grow more as the volts increased "Superboy subdue!" Robin ordered Superboy reluctantly followed kicking Y/N's knees knocking him back down "Aqualad!" He yelled Aqualad used...

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He struggled to stand only fueled by his anger and pain his power began to grow more as the volts increased "Superboy subdue!" Robin ordered Superboy reluctantly followed kicking Y/N's knees knocking him back down "Aqualad!" He yelled Aqualad used his water abilities to create a sphere of water containing him before freezing it leaving Y/N stuck inside.

"Robin what the hell you said you'd hear him out and we'd all make the decision together!" Artemis yelled looking at Y/N stuck in ice "I did he already had his mind set on what he was going to do that's why I made the collar and only told Wally,Connor, and Kaldur the plan to subdue him, your emotions would've got in the way" Robin said "My emotions!? Y/N did nothing wrong and your throwing him to the wolves like he didn't save our lives and yours!" She said "She's right Robin, the day we met Y/N he was just scared of what he was now we're just proving what he already believed he was...a monster" M'gann said.

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