Chapter Two:Training Day

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Y/N slowly woke up feeling the comfort of a mattress and sheets also a pillow. Maybe it was all a dream until he heard a door open "Mom?" Y/N said "Not even close" A female voice said Y/N turned to see a lady with green skin and a costume standing at the doorway.

 Maybe it was all a dream until he heard a door open "Mom?" Y/N said "Not even close" A female voice said Y/N turned to see a lady with green skin and a costume standing at the doorway

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"Hello, my name is M'gann M'orzz. But you can just call me Megan" Megan said Y/N sat up scratching his head "Where am I?" Y/N asked looking around the room which seemed more like a cell "Somewhere safe, you passed out on your flight here" She answered he scratched his head "I thought it was all a dream, this is all a mess" Y/N said covering his head with his hands, Megan walked over and sat down beside him "I know this is very difficult for you, you didn't ask for this but I believe everything happens for a reason. I'm a optimist" She said smiling Y/N gave her small smile calming his thoughts.

"I don't even know how to control these...I don't even know what to call it"

"Neither do we, We've encountered many metahumans before but none that has your abilities. Your mind is strong I couldn't even read your thoughts"

Y/N looked at her strangely "I'm sorry?" Y/N said confused by her statement "Oh sorry, I'm telepathic basically I can read minds and do other things. I try not to read everyone's mind but the team needed me to cause well we needed answers" Megan said he raised an eyebrow "The team?".

"We're the Young Justice League, Young Justice for short. We pretty much work under the Justice League with missions there to busy for" She explained "Like the Teen Titans?" Y/N said "The Teen Titans are below us, any new hero joins them when they don't have a home to go back to and trying to figure out the ropes"

"Is that why I'm here? To be a hero?"

"We don't force that on people that's your choice to make but that's not your only choice. It's a hard life for all of us" Megan said not looking very optimistic like before "Come on, It's time you meet the others"

Megan sat up with Y/N following as they left the room. Y/N looked around at this cave like headquarters with many halls and screens even a kitchen and living room surprisingly. They continued walking until they came across a metal door Megan placed her hand on a scanner which unlocked it sliding open Y/N saw many costumed heroes sitting at a large table Nightwing at the top "Welcome, Y/N. We got a lot to talk about" Robin said Megan walked over to her seat sitting down she looked Y/N and motioned him to sit. Y/N walked over to the table looking at all the other members before sitting down.

"What happened in Metropolis was an accident we all here understand that, In the public eyes it was just another Metahuman attack in their city that's why Luther sent his droids after you but we're glad they didn't. Let Luther has been capturing young metahumans who expose their powers early so he can "cure" them but that's not true" Nightwing said pressing a button a light beamed out of the table showing a hologram with the United States Map and a bunch of red dots "We've made a reader for the watchtower to see all the Metahumans in the country and over the year less and less have been showing that there disappearing we have no clue where there held up but we're certain there not safe"

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