Chapter Four:Guardian Angel

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M'gann opened her eyes not feeling the bed of her own but of someone else's. She noticed the white walls in front of her and scrambled out the bed to bump her back into a glass wall it quickly dawned on her this isn't a room it's a cell. "Hello!, anyone there!" She yelled hoping to get someone's attention she began to bang on the glass but noticed her hand ls they weren't green but white and instead of five fingers there were four. "Oh no" M'gann said dreadfully she looked closer to the glass to she was in her true form.

"M'gann is that you?" Kaldur said surprising M'gann who tried her best to cover herself so he wouldn't see her like this "Don't look at me!, please!" She yelled backing away from the glass into a corner trying to hide herself from his sight "M'gann, it's okay" Kaldur said trying his best to comfort her M'gann peaked her head slowly walking back to. The glass "I'm...sorry, I lied to the team about myself" M'gann said "No you didn't, your still our friend your appearance does not change that" Kaldur said "Don't tell them, when we escape. I'm not ready for them to know especially Connor" She said Kaldur nodded "Of course this your secret and yours alone to share" Kaldur said "Thank you, Kaldur" Megan said he simply nodded "Where do you think we are?" Megan asked "I don't know more importantly where is the rest of the team?"


"It's good to be home" Robin said standing over a rooftop looking down the city of Gotham "I wouldn't exactly call a crime filled cesspool of violence home" Y/N said not seeing the comfort of Gotham City that Robin does "Theirs some good here you just got to look deep" Robin said typing on his virtual keypad "Guys, I've got a pinpoint on Miss.Martian and Aqualad, seems like LexCorp are using a lot of energy than usual more specific electromagnetic energy whatever their doing could take their own building down" Robin explained

"Y/N, You think you could teleport to them and extract them?" Robin asked "Maybe, but we need to stop whatever their doing if what you said is right then they will collapse the whole building with innocent people inside and out" Y/N said "He's right, we need to evacuate the building without letting security or worse Lex Luthor know we're on to them" Robin said "Kid Flash, can you get them out one by one fast enough to not raise alarm?" Y/N asked telepathically

"No I'm not even close to that fast"

"I got another idea but it's risky" Y/N said "What is it?" Robin asked "I could shift the building stability to simulate an earthquake Kid Flash and Superboy can evacuate the civilians out of the warehouse while Robin and Artemis infiltrate the building and locate Miss.Martian and Aqualad, in case things go south and the electromagnetic energy brings the building down I can stop it"

"Why didn't I think of that, Superboy and Kid Flash get ready to get every civilian out of the building, Artemis return to me" Robin said through his coms. "Y/N, you know what to do" Robin said Y/N nodded diving off the rooftop. Pressing a button on his chest tighting his arms and legs pulling them together increasing his speed downward towards the ground pulling his arms apart activating his newly installed wingsuit.

He landed behind the building out of sight of unknown eyes. Placing both his hands on the building using his power to shift the density and its postion to weaken it and make the illusion. "Robin, I'm ready on my end" Y/N said.


"Good, Me and Artemis are in the security office luckily the fake earthquake caused an emergency evacuation all staff are gone it's just us" Robin said hacking into the security terminal to try and find any secret hangers or room in the building holding Miss.Martian and Aqualad. "Like before the energy in the building is all being transfered to the bottom of the building" Robin said "Got any ideas on how we'll get there in time before Guardian brings the building down on us" Artemis said Robin tapped his com link "Y/N, can you create an opening below the building?" Robin asked "Maybe, I can try to control the matter of the build forming a hole straight down the building" Y/N answered "Okay do it"

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