Chapter Eight:Responsibility

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Y/N opened his eyes head ringing, He slowly rolled over to the side of the bed sitting up scratching his head. With only a faint memory of last night he entered his bathroom looking in the mirror seeing his tired worked face. Getting into the shower as the hot water falls upon him one thought crossed his mind "Mom" He muttered.

After getting dressed Y/N left his room heading to the garage. "Going somewhere" Robin asked catching him by surprise "Yeah I've got something to take care of" Y/N said "I know about you and Artemis 'Joyride' last night, what you do outside the headquarters is not my problem but when you have one of my team members with you it does become my problem. Is that understood" Robin stated Y/N gave him a serious glare "Noted" Y/N said walking away from the conversation.

Entering the garage and getting inside the car from last night he quickly started the car and left Mount Justice.

Artemis layed down on the couch of the living room wearing sunglasses and drinking a glass of water with asprin. "You had a long night" Wally said sitting in a recliner eating a large bag of chips "My head feels like it's going to explode and my eyes feel on fire" Artemis said lazily "Seems Y/N is a party animal after all you did fall asleep in his room" Wally said laughing Artemis threw the asprin bottle at his head "Ow!" Wally yelled rubbing his head.


"Just three words, all it is are three words" Y/N muttered standing in front of his home looking at the front door reluctant to knock "Hey mom, sorry I disappeared for three days without calling just been saving the world you know" He said rehearsing "That's just stupid" Y/N took a deep breath raising his hand to knock on the door but it opened on it's own "I'm sorry sir but no I don't know where my son-" M/N said but stopped suddenly looking at Y/N as if he was a ghost "Hey mom funny story-" Y/N said but was cut off feeling his mother hug him tightly and her tears hitting his chest "I thought I'd never see you again!" She cried into his arms.

"I know I'm sorry but we can talk all about it" Y/N said lifting her head and wiping her tears leading into their home. An hour passed as Y/N told her everything as the first day he learned about his powers to now "And that's it, anything you want to say?" Y/N asked looking at his mother who just had a blank expression couldn't tell if she was upset or angry at him "Why" M/N said

"Why what?"

"Why would you go and risk your life for some people that you just met!, you could've been killed!"

"I know-"

"No, you don't know. How would've I known if you were dead somewhere was Robin or Superman going to come to my doorstep and tell me child is dead. My boy who went missing!" She yelled on the verge of crying again "First things first, we're moving, your going to return that car, and we're going to get you help" M/N said sternly "Help? What are you-" a knock on the door interrupted the conversation M/N went to the door answering it "Mom who is it?" Y/N asked getting up from the dining room chair to see a man with Grey hair and an eye patch. "This is Mr.Wilson, he came to me for LexCorp when you first lost control of your abilities and offered to treat you back to normal" She said but Y/N wasn't even listening instead he was planning out every way to have this fight without her getting hurt in the process.

"I know LexCorp past experience with you was quite shocking to say the least but we do treshish family at LexCorp, I have children myself nothing in the world I wouldn't do for them" Slade said entering the home Y/N quickly pushed his mother behind him "Mom go out the backdoor now" Y/N whispered to her "That won't be necessary, I've only come to make a purposal" Slade said sitting down in the living room. Y/N motioned for his mother to stay in the kitchen. Y/N sat across from Slade both looking each other in the eyes.

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