Chapter Eleven:An Ally

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Catalina sat in her desk writing tonight's report on the break in while also overhearing the suspects rant to the police about the vigilante "I'm telling you! this thing wasn't human it had green eyes and was white as a ghost!"

"Alright you can explain it to the judge" A cop said not wanting to hear about their ramblings about the masked vigilante Catalina on the other hand was quite curious about the vigilante who are they and where did they come from?

"This is ridiculous, Gotham should be the ones dealing with caped vigilantes not us next thing you know we're going to have crazed criminals in unitards tomorrow morning" her partner said sitting across from her desk "whoever it is managed to stop a robbery seconds before we ever got the call if it wasn't for this vigilante who would've been bone dry on this one" Catalina said finishing the report "the law is the law, their breaking it by taking it into their own hands"

"Well people around here seem to bend it for their own benefit is it so hard to believe theirs someone bending it for the benefit of others?" Catalina asked standing up from her desk walking away to the exit her partner simply watched with a curious gaze. Catalina stepped out of the precinct entering her car before beginning her journey home "I should call Y/N to apologize for leaving early" She said to herself before she could reach for phone her radio began to act strange switching songs at a rapid pace before completely shutting off Catalina tried turning it back on but nothing worked "Meet me on top of the abandoned church on fifth Avenue, alone" A deep voice said the radio soon turned to normal Catalina curious to who just hacked her radio immediately turned around driving to the location.

Catalina arrived at the abandoned church looking upon its broken down exterior it saddened her to see a place meant for hope and guidance be broken and forgotten. Inside the church she find a staircase leading up to the rooftop  slowly walking the creaking stairs hoping for them to hold her weight. She reached the rooftop seeing a figure standing at the edge she drew her gun aiming it him "BHPD put your hands behind your head" Catalina ordered slowly approaching the figure he turned around facing her Catalina was shook it was just liked the thugs described it "Are you the one that stopped the robbery earlier this evening?" She asked

"Yes, but that wasn't a robbery" Guardian answered "Then what was it, all the valuables and money are still intact except for something that was inside the bank owners safe" Guardian pulled out a file from his bag giving it to her "It was this" Catalina took the file opened quickly reading through it with a shocked expression "Holy shit, this is enough evidence to put Tony Zucco behind bars for good and any officers on his payroll!" She said in excitement then looked at Guardian "Why give this to me?" She asked "I've done my research about you, you're the only officer in that precinct that still believes in the law" Guardian stated

"Thank you, but this won't be able to nail him" Catalina said sadly "Explain" Guardian said "With just this it will be easy for him to get off we would need witnesses testimony and the only ones we have are the ones who broke into the bank and there being transfered right now" She explained "What if I can get one to talk" Guardian asked "Then that would be enough just admit to getting the file for Zucco and why" Catalina said Guardian nodded turning his back "Keep the file safe, don't tell anyone you have it" He dove off the building Catalina ran over to the edge just to see him gone.

"Who the hell is this guy?" Catalina said to herself her radio began to buzz she picked it up answering it "Officer Flores, the chief wants you back at the station it's urgent" An officer stated over the radio Catalina picked up the walkie talkie "Copy that"

Catalina entered the chiefs office seeing a man sitting in one of his chairs "Officer Flores, I'd like you to meet Mr.Zucco" Chief said the man stood up from the chair holding his hand out for her to shake.

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