Chapter Seven: Restraint

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Robin and Guardian exited the Boom Tube entering Mount Justice. "We will inform the team of Deathstroke's assassin's later right now you can get some sleep" Robin said Guardian nodded taking off his helmet "Alright...I'm sorry about tonight, but something deep inside me told me that's what needed to be done Robin" Y/N said walking away to his new room.

Robin stood conflicted about Y/N, He's different since they met, cold and aggressive yet he still have the innocence of a person. Robin began typing on his data pad activating a video call "Yes, Robin" Batman said through his screen on the batcomputer "Have you seen the footage I've sent you" Robin asked "Yes, Seems you two made an enemy of Deathstroke but Guardian will be his top priority after what he did to his son"

"Son?, Deathwatch is his son?"

"Grant Wilson, former marine soldier then black ops, after being dishonorable discharged for mental challenges he switch to mercenary work for his father" Batman explained sending am image of Grant "What about Ravager?" Robin asked "Unknown,safe to assume just a protégé of the two" Batman said

"But Guardian, he's unhinged he nearly killed Deathwatch and he didn't care. He's a liability we'll never know what he'll do the next time we'll see Deathstroke or Ravager. He could do the same or worse...kill them"

Behind a corner Y/N listened hearing Robin's distrust in him. Going back to his room he began to get his things together putting them in his bag. "Where are you going?"

Y/N turned around seeing Artemis leaning in the doorway wearing a black outfit "Home, Robin seems to think I'm to aggressive or something. I'm not staying here if he thinks I need to be on a leash" Y/N said slinging his bag on his shoulder "You feel the same, always giving me looks like I'm not trusted enough to be here" He began to walk to doorway before she blocked it "What are you doing?" He asked

"Come with me" Artemis said "Where are we going?" Y/N asked "Out" She said walking down the hall Y/N changed his Armor to a black hoodie and joggers following Artemis.

They entered the garage seeing a variety of vehicles to their disposal. "Where'd you guys get all these cars?" Y/N asked admiring the many variety of vehicles "Missions, Wally and Connor likes to collect them from bad guys, calls them souvenirs" She said "And the Justice League dosen't have a problem with this?" Y/N asked "Better in our hands than the bad guys plus they've got other things to worry about" Artemis went to a key rack "Pick your poison" She said Y/N grinned looking at the variety of cars

"This one" Y/N said standing in front of the car.

"Good choice" Artemis stated tossing the keys to Y/N he caught them unlocking the car door entering the driver's seat putting the key in the ignition starting the car

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"Good choice" Artemis stated tossing the keys to Y/N he caught them unlocking the car door entering the driver's seat putting the key in the ignition starting the car. The engine roared loudly as the tailpipes released fire from the exhaust, Artemis got in the passenger seat "Tske it easy on her, she doesn't like anyone driving her" Artemis said grinning "She's fine" Y/N said putting the gear in drive stepping on the Gas flying out of the garage. Leaving Mount Justice driving on the side of the mountain looking out the window seeing the stars and moon reflecting over the ocean "I didn't know we we're by the beach" Y/N said "Yep, best sight I'd say" Artemis said.

"Open her up, she likes to go fast" Artemis said Y/N smirked "No problem with that" He said tapping the clutch switching to second gear now going seventy five down the mountain "Where to?" He asked "Their's a city a couple miles from here should have some places to let loose" Artemis said he nodded flooring it switching gears like it was natural to him. "You've done this before?" Y/N asked "Staying in the cave is fine but sometimes I need time to myself forget that I'm a hero and for a moment remember I'm still human" She said Y/N glanced at her understanding he hasn't been doing this as long as her but after tonight he got a good chunk of it.
Y/N parked the car across the street of a bar "And how are going to get inside?" Y/N said spotting a bouncer who looked pretty young "Your powers duh" Artemis said walking to the bar with him catching up to her, the bouncer looked at the two noticing their young looks "ID" He said Y/N waved his hand slowly "We do not need Identification" Y/N said the bouncers eyes flashed green for second "You don't need Identification" He said "Thanks" Artemis said entering the bar as did Y/N.

The bar was pretty crowded with many young, old, and middle aged faces. Artemis and Y/N sat at the bar getting drinks for themselves before finding a seat for themselves in a booth. "So, what happened tonight that Robin thinks you need to put on a leash?" Artemis asked taking a sip of her drink Y/N sighed "Deathstroke sent some assassin's after us, guess he's still angry about us beating him" Y/N said drinking his beer.

"They slaughtered Black Mask thugs just to bring us there, I decided to send a message of my own after I finished beating his assassin and breaking him. Deathstroke needed to know that he can send whoever he wants but they won't and they can't kill me" Y/N said angrily but quickly calming down "Your hair" Artemis said Y/N raised an eyebrow "What?" He said pulling a strand seeing a strand turn white but back to its original color "Weird" Y/N muttered "Y/N...I don't know you but maybe Robin is wrong or maybe he's right. In truth it doesn't matter, what does matter is what do you let define you, your choices or others" Artemis said.

Y/N admired her words grinning "You should charge by the hour" Y/N said Artemis rolled her eyes "Your lucky, nobody else gets this kind of special treatment" Artemis said Y/N smirked "I'm special now" He said flirtously Artemis just laughed a little "Maybe or just the only person on the team I felt like hanging out with tonight" She said drinking her beer "Who would've thought...I'm a superhero now" Y/N said chuckling "Welcome to the club, Guardian" Artemis said holding her bottle out.

Y/N clicked theirs together "Happy to be apart of it" He said "Maybe I should get my own hideout or my own team" Y/N joked Artemis laughed "And what would this great team be called great leader" She asked "Maybe The Legion or something I don't know" Y/N said chuckling "I'd love to see that happen" She said smiling "Maybe, Archer, maybe" Y/N said the rest of the night they drank, played darts, even karaoke together.


Y/N and Artemis held each other as they walked through the halls both pretty drunk. "Summer feeling-" Artemis sung drunkenly Y/N just laughed "You sound terrible" He said drunkenly "I sound beautiful your the one who didn't know how to hit a high note" She said laughing "Whatever" Y/N muttered reaching his room opening the door. "I'm going to bed" Artemis said lazily flopping down on the bed with Y/N falling with her "You could of took your" Y/N tried to say but falling asleep mid sentence. Both sleeping beside each other.

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