Young. Issue 1.

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The Lizard was still on the run, the Court of Owls was rebuilding themselves. I have too maintain a relationship, a school life, a secret identity, and my own problems. I sat atop a roof, me and Cass just got out of a date. And when I say date I mean kicking ass. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to be a hero and all, but sometimes I just wish I didn't have all of this responsibility, the feeling of regret because you couldn't save one person, the sadness when you lose someone close to you. Or if they lose you.

I didn't want Cass or Tim to feel like they could've saved me. I love those two more than anything; Cass is my lover and Tim's like the brother I never got to have. I stood up and took my mask off, I lived in a city that never sleeps. It's been two days since my last fight with the Lizard, Deadshots in rehabilitation, apparently Bruce saw the potential he had. I've been talking more with Cass and Tim, The New outlaw's had our first meeting yesterday. But I've still been after Connors. I can't lose another father figure. I looked upon the city with tired eyes, I was pushing myself more and more recently. Cass knew this, Tim knew, everyone did. I pulled out my phone, listening in on the police chatter, hoping for something about Connors, but sadly nothing. It's like he's planning something. That or he drowned in a lake.

I started to drift off into sleep. "Y/N, get up, you know we're on a steak out." Rose said, I forgot to mention we were in the middle of trying to find some guy named Carmine Falcone. Apparently he has some info on the Court of Owls. In the terms of me and Rose, we've set boundaries, and we're actually a pretty good team, even if we've only gone on one completed mission. "Why'd you check your phone anyways, we're already on a mission." Rose said, looking down from the tall building. "Just, caught up in another mess." I told her, she nodded and went back to looking.

"You guys found anything yet?" Roy asked from a walkie talkie, I picked it up. "Nothing yet, what about you Conner." I asked Conner. He was by the edges of the city, along with Tim. "Nope, we took down some thugs but other than that it's a dry night in Gotham." Tom responded for Conner. I was about to ask Damian and Jason if they saw anything. "Don't bother asking L/N, nothing here but the Condiment King." Damian said, I laughed a bit. "Good to know, talk too you guys later." I said, putting the walkie talkie down. I sat down. "Why'd you start the whole hero thing anyways? It took me a long time to transition into one." Rose asked me, still looking for Falcone. "Probably because Batman found me immediately. That and what my father told me." I told Rose, she looked at me. "What'd he tell you? Bet it was something corny." Rose joked, a couple of pidgins flew by. "He told me I had great responsibility. He didn't know I was a hero but, I wish I could tell him. He'd know what to do." I said, Rose walked over too me. "Is he gone?" She asked me, I nodded. "All of my family is, except my Aunt." I said, looking around the city. "I'm so sorry." Rose said, I saw someone get out of a car. I stood up. "I think I've found him." I said, causing Rose to quickly stand up as well. The man had white hair and red glasses, I put on my mask and used a web too pull the walkie talkie too me. "They're meeting in a warehouse, north of Iceberg lounge me and Rose are gonna sneak in!" I said before putting the walkie talkie down. I pressed a couple of buttons on my wrist, my stealth suit now could be invisible for thirty minutes, as long as I don't get hit or hit anybody.

I shot a web down, allowing us to zip line down. Rose went first, I went second. We landed on top of the roof, Rose found a hatch and opened it, I crawled in, she stayed in the roof for now. "This fake information is valuable, it has info on every single superhero in the city, I need you to get this too the Daily Bugle, from there, the court will do just fine. The city will be against the hero's, and from there it's easy picking." A man in a white mask said, handing Falcone a folder of papers. "Why're you so invested in Batman, Nightwing, and Spider-Man anyways? You're all just the rich of Gotham, shouldn't Bruce Wayne be finding the whole thing in the first place? You'd think with that money you'd be fine to do this yourselves." Falcone said, taking the papers and handing them to one of his guards. I started to crawl down. "The Wayne's are the problem." The man said, Falcone raised and eyebrow. "The Wayne's saved my life, if this is too kill them, I'm not helping." Falcone said, the man sighed. "Then I guess you aren't of any use too us." The man said, I noticed a sniper on a crate. "I know where your new base is, I can give that too Batman and this 'Court' will fall." Falcone said, the man raised his sniper. "Fire." The man said, I shot a web and pulled the snipers weapon to me, causing my camouflage to go away. Conner busted through a wall, he was with Tim.

Roy, Jason, Rose, and Damian jumped through the hatch in the roof. The man sighed and snapped his fingers. Twelve talons busted through a crate, one ran at Falcone, Conner flew over to Falcone and picked him up. "No, no, no!" The man shouted, a Talon jumped at me, I kicked it back. "Superboy, get Falcone and his bodyguard out of here!" Jason shouted, Conner nodded and picked up the bodyguard, flying off afterwards. Another talon picked me up from behind, the one I kicked started punching my chest. Tim hit the talon that was holding me over it's head, however it had no effect. Jason and Roy were trying to fight off the Talons, but there weapons seemed too do nothing. Damian was picked up by one and threw him into a wall. Rose was being attacked by two, she flipped over one and slashed its arm. It fell off too reveal wires and metal. "They're not human!" She shouted right before being punched in the back by one.

When I heard that, I grabbed the talons arm that was holding me, while I was still being punched, I stared too grip the talons arm as hard as I could. I eventually pulled the arm down and off, allowing me too fall down, I quickly flipped up, my ribs were broken, it was hard too breath. I jumped down from the roof and punched straight through the robot Talon. "What's next!" I shouted as the next Talon ran at me, I punched a hole through its chest. For the first time in almost forever, I wasn't pulling my punches.

I flipped back and tore the head off the robot Talon that was holding Tim to the wall. "Impressive..." The man said, watching us. I helped Tim up. If it wasn't for my adrenaline I'd probably be dead on the floor. Conner busted through the wall. "They aren't human!" I shouted too him, he seemed to understand and fly straight through the Talon that was beating up Damian. Tim threw two exploding WingDings at a talon that was beating up Rose, Damian pierced one with his sword.

I noticed the masked man beginning to run away. "Red Robin, you go after him!" I told Tim. "You'll be okay with all of this?" He asked me, I nodded, he then jumped down and began to run after the man. I jumped at the remaining Talons tearing them apart with Conner. Roy shot the last one with a arrow. "Good job Y/N." Conner told me, raising his hand up for a high five. As I went to hog it, I fell to the floor. "Are you okay dude?" Conner asked, I just laid on the floor a moment. "I'm pretty sure all my ribs are shattered." I said, Jason walked over to me and picked me up. Tim walked back in, dragging the man behind him. "Got 'em."


I sat on a chair outside of a room where Jason and Roy were questioning the man. Everyone else was standing on the other side of the mirror. "You sure you're okay dude? You look like you got hit by a bus." Conner asked, I was the only one sitting down in a chair. "Yup, I'll be fine. Might just close my eyes for a second..." I said as Jason and Roy walked out of the room. "What'd he tell you?" Conner asked them, Roy shook his head. "We didn't get anything useful out of him. Just something about spiders and wings." Jason said, I rose my eyebrow a bit. "What'd he say about the spider?" I asked him, trying my best to sit up in the chair. "Just something about potential, same thing with the stuff about wings." Jason told me. Damian looked a bit ticked off. "So we just got our asses handed to us for nothing?" Damian asked, Tim was thinking about something. "We could call Bruce or Dick, they've taken on the court before. Tim suggested, Roy looked over at Jason. "I'll see what I can do, ifs hard too get in contact with those two nowadays. Bruce still is attending psychical therapy as well." Jason said, taking out his phone. I held my chest, leaning to the right. "And we're taking you to an infirmary." Jason said, pointing a finger at me. "I'm fine, I'm fine, look I'll stand up and I'll be-" I tried to stand up but I crumbled over. "Maybe I should get some help..." I said, holding my chest. "Dumbass." Rose said. Conner floated over to me, he leaned down to pick me up. Roy turned around, he looked at the man in the room. "I'm gonna try and talk too him." Roy said, walking back in.

Once he walked up to the man, the man looked up at him. Jason pushed a button to let us hear what he was saying. The man was about to speak but Roy punched him the face, a shard of the mask fell off. "No more bullshit, where's the base." Roy said, the man looked at Roy. He stayed quiet. "Put your hand on the table." Roy told him, the man quickly did. Roy grabbed and arrow quiver and plunged it into the man's hand. The man screamed in pain. "Where's the base!" Roy shouted, the man stopped screaming. The man stayed quiet. Roy grabbed another arrow out of his quiver. "Under the harbor! Under the harbor!" The man shouted before he could be stabbed again.

Roy walked back into the room we were in. "That was brutal, even for me." Rose said, Roy just shrugged. "You should've seen Jason after he came back." Roy said, Jason just shook his head. "What're you sitting around for? Let's go." Roy said, grabbing his bow off the wall.

(Bird here, sorry for taking so long to get this chapter out, I promise I'm getting straight to work in the next!)

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