Day off.

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I woke up next to Cass, she was huddled in my arms, it felt calming. Honestly with how strong she was I was surprised I wasn't huddled in her arms. Cass shifted to face me. My wounds from yesterday still hurt, but I'll get better in no time. Hell even if I die I'll probably have some bullshit way too come back. I mean Superman did, Bruce did, Jason did, apparently Damian did, basically everyone's died at one point, kinda weird. I looked at Cass, she would probably kick my ass if I woke her up, so I didn't.

Harper opened the door. "Okay lovebats, time to get up, the big guy wants to have a word with everyone!" Harper joked. Cass shifted in the bed again, she opened her eyes. "You guys gonna move or what?" Harper joked, exiting the room. Cass sat up. I stood up and got out of bed, I was wearing some of Jason's old clothes since all of mine were lost in the fire. Cass was still just waking up. "Morning." She said, rubbing her eyes and getting out of bed. She walked over too her dresser and picked out some clothes, that was my cue to leave.

The manor felt quiet. The only sound was the others eating breakfast. I sighed as I pushed the clock aside to enter the cave. I slide down the pole, Bruce was looking at Jason's old Robin suit. "So why'd you want to see me Bruce, wanna complement me on how cool I am?" I joked, walking over to him. "Y/N you have potential, lots of it. Maybe more then any of the others." He said, I raised my eyebrow. "Are you gonna ask me if I wanna be Robin? Because I don't wanna dress up in short shorts and have to fight an insane clown." I said, Bruce looked at me and shook his potential. "Last night you struggled too fight. Even though it was against me you struggled. You let your emotions get in the way, you were foolish. I don't want you to end up like..." He paused before speaking. "Jason?" Bruce put his hand on the suits glass cover. "Like me." Bruce said, taking his hand off the case. "You can't let your emotions of grief and anger get in the way of your life. I did, and I wished I didn't. I've hurt so many people because of it. I thought what the city needed was fear, but I was wrong. I only realized that when I met Clark." Bruce said, turning away from me. "The Justice League's going to be off world for awhile. I've left you some training tapes I'd like you to watch. But other than that, you can have the day off." Bruce said, putting his cowl on. He entered the Batmobile and drove away. Then the cave was silent, as I thought it was before I became a hero. I noticed a USB labeled TRAINING on the computer. "These better not be his recordings of him and Catwoman." I joked, putting the USB in the computer. "Hello Y/N, I see you've found the USB. So welcome to training, I'll be teaching you how to fight each of Gothams individual villains, along with fighting against various hero's throughout the world. So where will we start first?" A recording of Bruce spoke. A list appeared, it did have a lot of people on it. I clicked the one that was labeled BANE. "Bane? Excellent choice. He's a formidable enemy of mine, even breaking my back at one point..." Oh god this is going to take forever.


I might as well have broken my back because I've been doing this for about eight hours and I'm not even a quarter way through. "Now while Kite man might seem like an easy enemy to fight, he once sent me too Miami, Florida within a night while I was knocked out by Polka dot man..." The recording said. I thought that this would've just been simple training but no, I had to hear about a story from the glory days before he gave me the training directions. I decided that that was probably enough. Besides, I don't even know how getting flown to Miami, Florida in less than a night is even possible. I walked over to the computer and turned it off.

I probably smelt like shit because working out for eight hours and only taking water breaks doesn't make you smell good. I grabbed a towel to wipe off the sweat from my forehead. Alfred was probably the only one home because Dick was flying back to Blüdhaven. I walked up the steps, thinking about what room I was gonna stay in. I could also just go and work all night at the lab, I have missed a lot of work recently. "Master L/N, I've acquired you some clothing at the store for you." Alfred said once I made it to the top of the stairs. He was holding two bags of what I assumed were clothes. "You don't have to call me Master L/N. Y/N is fine." I told him, he handed me the bags. "Very well than L/N, I suppose I'll be seeing you for dinner?" He asked. Even though he called me L/N I still nodded. He nodded in response and walked away. I looked into the bags, they each held two stacks of about three types of clothing. Along with two packs of socks and boxers. I looked out the window, the sun was setting. I walked to the empty room yeah would eventually be mine, it was completely empty aside from the backpack with the things I could grabbed from the fire.

Even though I've stayed here before it still felt weird. I wasn't in my house, I wasn't in my room, and I didn't have anything to show of my family. Not a picture, not a letter, not even a coat. The room just felt lonely and desolate. When I became 'Spider-Man' I didn't expect to be viewed as 'hope' or 'Justice'. I also thought that this job would've been easy, that I wouldn't lose the people I loved. But no, that's what pushes me. The feeling of knowing that kids get to grow up with both of their parents. The life most of us never got to have. I set the bags of clothes down, grabbing some for when I got out of the shower. I walked out of the empty room.


It was now about 1:00 AM, I just got out from the lab, now I found myself walking into the graveyard, it was silent, peaceful as well. Which is weird for a graveyard. I walked down the path in between the graves. I finally arrived at the place I wanted to be in, my fathers grave. It was still quiet. The air ran cold as I stepped in front of it. I feel like I could've saved him, like if I were a minute earlier he would still be here. Still be with me. But he needed more than me. I could've been fast, I could've never gotten my powers, I could've told him not too go. But he needed more than me.

I heard a shovel hit the ground, about four rows past me. Grave robbers. "Is there a problem here?" I asked, the robber flinched, then turned around to face me. "It's just a guy..." One of them said. There was only three of them, one was armed with a handgun, one with a shovel, and the other with a sledgehammer. "You're gonna step away from this graveyard kid, unless you wanna mess with the Penguin." The man said as if he were a crime boss. I stood my ground, the night sky making my outline unknown. Then a light illuminated my back, the bat signal flew high in the sky. I needed to finish this before I get to the signal. "Piss off, I'm not scared of some random thugs." I told them, they looked at each other, then up. They started to panic before running away. I turned behind me too face the figure. Their cape was flowing like Bruce's. It was Cass. "You have suit?" She asked me, I nodded. She jumped down. "So what's the problem?" I asked her, she hugged me before speaking. "Ivy." She told me, letting go. I took off my coat and shirt, stuffing them into my backpack. I made sure to grab my mask as well. Time to get to work.

(Bird update time! Short chapter, I just wanted something to go in between the Court and Lizards arc before I got into one I've been planning for awhile now! Expect the next chapter to come out within one to four days!)

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