Pehla Pehla Pyaar

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Pehla Pehla Pyaar

T: Hello
R: See Teja if u dont love me I have no problem we will still be friends please don't break your friendship with me.
T: huh
R: u r listening to me na Teju....
T: Haan but who proposes like this in my college i have seen awesome proposals boy getting on one feet and asking if the girl will be his girlfriend and gives them roses
R: huh
T: I am saying I should have atleast got a rose when proposing
R: So mad women what was there in table it was for you but u started running without listening to me what could I do had to tell you what I felt before leaving
T: Leaving when have you to join
R: In a week's time i cleared my examination and have to join for training.
T: huh we have so less time for ourselves u will come back after a year na
R: Dnt worry sweetheart we will have world's time with us.and my training period is of 18 months.
T: But you know I will miss u will no one to talk to me listen to me friends tho i have many but u r the only one who is my true friend I will be alone Rahul....
R: Na baba u won't be alone we will write letters to each other every day and please make one genuine friend besides me and start doing something which u like.
Sleep came calmly to the love birds.

First friend is special and  love is always special. Teju had fallen in love with her first friend.

The whole week went very quickly. The parents agree to the relationship and it was decided after Rahul's training they will be engaged and married whenever kids want to have one. Since it was the last day and Rahul had to travel for his training he wanted to make it special for her.

He went and bought chocolate cake, Teddy bear and yellow rose for her. He bought colourful papers for her to write a letter he borrowed his father's car, took permission from Teja's parents to take her out.

Once out they both were silent in the car. Being alone for the first time after proposal they had so much to talk but couldn't.

He drove her to lonavala and parked his car at a high point there was no one around, the sat on the bonnet of their car. Rahul got the things out which he had bought for Teja and Teja was smiling jumping and crying  all at the same time.

Their emotions were running high. Rahul just pulled her into a hug. They wanted one more day to talk they wanted to stop the time. That hug meant a lot it was full of love, belief, trust and compassion.

As sun was setting Rahul looked at her. She was looking so beautiful to him. He played with her lips and looked in her eyes for permission. Teja reciprocated by closing her eyes and then with setting sun as their witness they had their lives first kiss.

The next day Rahul left. With tears in her eyes Teja sat to write him a letter on how much she loves him and misses him.

As promised to her love she started making friends who would stay with her and she found one in Arshita Shetty.
She became her soul sister, Teja had someone with whom she could talk about Rahul. Whenever postman came in their locality she ran like a lil baby around him jumping and asking If there is a post from Rahul.
She took care of Rahuls mom and dad too.
His dad had retired as soon as Rahul joined army.
After 18 months of tedious training Rahul returned to Mumbai. After meeting his parents he went to meet his love. Teju had finished her studies and searching for a job but she was not interested in any. As the doorbell rang Teju opened the door and found huffing Rahul, her Rahul she swing in and jumped on him to hug him. Her parents came out to see why she was crying so loudly and the found two lovers embraced in tight hug and their daughter talking rubbish which only he understood.

4-5 days later their engagement happened. Both cultures were included in it. Both parents wanted to delay the marriage by 2 to 3 years but Rahul insisted on marrying before returning to the post he couldn't live without his Teju even for the day.

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