It's My Wedding Anniversary

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Karan's POV:

Then one day Anda left the office early just after her show. I as usual followed her and saw instead of boarding her regular train today she boarded train opposite to her destination i was surprised i thought maybe she is meeting someone I wanted to know who it was and my feet started following her. She got down at Churchgate Station and walked down till Marine drive. She went and sat down on the bench facing the sea. I went and sat next to her keeping a safe distant and i saw, she had a bottle of wine in her hand and was crying looking at sea.
I was confused as what is wrong with her. I wanted to know if someone told her anything but then why would she have wine. I was confused and didn't knew what to do.
I immediately called up........

Tejasswi's POV:

Today I didn't wanted to go home. Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary all will look at me and pity me. Its already been more than a year you left me all alone. How could you do this Rahul. When there was Pooja at home for your death anniversary all relatives were talking behind my back. They felt I couldn't hear them but I heard them loud and clear. They called me abshaguni and what not. Some pitied me, I lost my husband and child within a week. I could see in their eyes, ma and dad missing you
You should have taken me along with you.
Today also it will be same. So I purchased wine from the shop left as soon as my show got over and went to Marine drive. I knew that boy, he had followed me. First I used to get angry and irritated but now......

Karan's POV:

K: Jessy she is crying
J: Who is crying
K: Teju
J: Karan u followed her again how many times we have told you
K: I didn't. I mean I never wanted to follow her but my feet automatically moves towards her.
J: And your feet never listens to you.....
K: Arre leave my feet she is drinking winr and crying kya karu
J: leave her alone and come home

I was furstuated she was crying and jessy wanted me to return back home. From few months Anda's routine haven't changed she deligently leaves for her home after office.
I noticed she talks to all but besides Arshita she has no true friend. But what should i do, I m afraid but still i pass her my handkerchief. She looks at me and.....

Tejasswi's POV :

Now I am used to him. I feel safe, and protected but I guess he doesn't knows about me. Silently, he was sitting near me but i could hear worry in his voice when he was over the phone. After sometime he passes me the handkerchief, I look at him....

T: Why are you following me
K: I am not and this is public place
T: Don't lie
K: I am not Tapaswani...
T: Huh what you called me
K: Tejasswi
T: That's better but why are u always following me
K: Arre i dont follow you my feet they start going behind you.
Hearing his answer i found a child within him. He is a little and I don't know why maybe alcohol effect i.....

Karan's Pov

She..... She..... Called me hers. She knows that I follow her. Shit I love her..... I was into my thoughts that I didn't heard my phone ringing. She nudged me and I came into my senses. I looked at her and she pointed towards my phone. I love the person calling me she touched me for the first time. It was an unknown number, I was thinking what to do when she asked....

Arshita's POV
It was around 12 when Rahuls mom had called up. Teju's cell was switched off and she hadn't returned home we all knew it was her fourth wedding anniversary. Aunty thought she was with me and had called to confirm it. I lied to aunty as I didn't wanted to worry her.
I remembered Teju had told me that boy followed her daily.
I had asked Teju to report in police but she said she felt safe with him being around. I realised after Rahul, Teju was letting someone in her life even as a friend but she is comfortable with him being around. But I didn't knew his number I called up Jessy. We had spoken few times. She had also celebrated Teju's birthday.

J: Hi Arshita
A: Hi jess actually Teju haven't returned home by chance if your friend knows where she is
J: Haan he just called me up they are at marine drive
A: Oh great can u give me his number I need to ask him to be with Teju till I reach there

Jessy gave me his number and told even if I didn't asked him he will not leave his Anda  alone. He calls Teju Anda what a unique name and i called him......

Marine drive :

T: Aren't you picking up
K: Its an unknown number

Arshita's place:
A: pick up pick up why the hell he is not picking up....

Marine drive
T : Pick up someone wants to speak to you....
K: Hello
A : Hi I am arshita tejasswi's friend is she with you
K: yes
A : Cool where are you and please don't leave her alone i will come to pick her up all are worried at home
K : Huh will be there don't worry u don't come we will come there.....

When Karan was on the phone tejasswi started getting up. She stumbled a bit, was about to fall when Karan took hold of her hand
Arshita was on the line when she heard their conversation

K: Sambhalkar
T: my little don't worry kuch nahi hoga
K: U would have fallen down
T: Nope... God is cruel he sent you to save me
K: Huh
T:Actually I m hungrrrrrry
K: Lets go to my resturant i will make something
T: You know to cook
K: No but will try for you, else will call the cook
T: chalega anyways I... I don't want to go home today
K: Why
T: Its my wedding anniversary
She noticed karan looking down and pouting with sad face. She could see in his eyes he was not happy hearing it
T: Don't worry i dont have anyone to celebrate it with. He left me all alone
K:I won't leave you I promise
T : Promise
K: Haan pakka promise
T:Pinky promise
K:Haan baba pinky promise
T: Little i am hungry
K:Chal then

Karan took her purse and made her wear shoes he stopped taxi and went for KK's

Arshita thanked God for sending Karan for Teju. Something striked her mind and she disconnected the call and called up R.M

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