Tom and Jerry and thoda pyaar

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T: Mr. KARAN KUNDRRA i guess i am slowly falling for you....... But

And she closed her eyes again. Karan was happy and irritated with the but he literally wanted to wake her up and ask her why she is restricting herself. Why she is not breaking that one wall between them. Why she is avoiding her heart. But even he couldn't,she was looking as a princess in her sleep. his girl now slept holding his hand as if stopping him from going away. He slowly removed his hand from her grip, carried her into his bedroom laid her on bed and was about to get up when she pulled him in the bed and snuggled beside him.

Her slow and steady warm breath on his chest made him shiver. He wanted to sleep next to her hugging her for the rest of his life if she allowed. He kept on staring at her. He wanted to do so much more with her. But the rights were stopping him.His heartbeat where rinning fast. He controlled himself , And slowly sleep came back to Mr. Kundrra, a satisfied sleep, a sleep where he had his girl next to him, a sleep which he dreamt about a lot in past few months.

It was around 10 when they all gathered around Karan's room. Neither one wanted to disturb the couple. The girls took turns to take TejRan's baliyaan. Teju was wrapped securely in Karan's arms her face hidden in his chest and his in her hair. Yuvika pushed them all out of the room and closed the door slowly.

As soon as they reached the roof Nishant was the first one to break the silence. He started singing, jumping and dancing. Pra called up his Aai to give the news but Aarshu disconnected the call.

A: First lets hear them out Karan being back with his ex, Teju too haven't confessed clearly to him. We shouldn't involve the elders.
M: Yes yesterday she wanted to talk to him, she will say yes if Karan ask her out. But certain things need to be cleared.
O: Yes you are right even i want to know what happened between karan and anusha yesterday.... But bhabhi did confessed infront of us yesterday when she confronted Anusha. But Karan...
P: Let's have breakfast and later think over it yesterday was a bit tiresome and we haven't explored the Goa too and tomorrow we have to return back

They all nodded not knowing if they will be able to achieve what they came for. All hoping for Tejasswi to confess her love and for Karan to explain.

Teju was the first one to wake up. She opened her eyes looked around , she saw him and smiled ,suddenly a thought flashed in her mind and she sat abruptly on the bed. Teju's swift movement made Karan to open his eyes. He saw her and sat beside her.

T(mostly to herself) : How, When I came inside, I was out, what he will think of me should I say sorry and leave
K( chuckled) : I got u inside you were sleeping in the floor as if guarding something and I ain't letting you leave till the time you explain what you were doing outside besides sleeping

T( with her big eyes and innocence drooling) : I am angry with you.....

K: for what

T: For yesterday you keep on telling me you love me and you will make me realise my love and went and danced with that ex of yours.....

K: When did I danced and you, you avoided me if you had someone else in your life clear that out. You slammed that door on my face when you went inside with your boyfriend.

T:A.. i don't have a boyfriend, how many times have I to tell you this and B... And I didn't slammed the door on your face i was helping him to hide so that he can ....why am I explaining anything to you, You thought all rubbish and without clearing, went back in Your ex ka arms.

K(sheepishly) : I didn't went back into her arms i left the house thinking you have a boyfriend. (He touched his ears), and in the resort I met Anusha I just had a drink with her I mean technically not her I ordered my drink and she came and sat next to me.

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