Dil ki batien zuban par...

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Karan after being pushed out of the room, smiled  blushed and ran off to his room, he changed into his swimwear and wore a tee and shorts over it he carried a towel, he went to kitchen packed fruits  and juices for his Laddoo  and went to Aarshita's room. He knocked the door
Manish opened the door, Karan had a tinge of guilt on his face still he smiled putting his hand forward,

K: HI, I am Karan Kaundrra, Aarshita's friend
M: Hmm, I know who you are and my eyes are on you.
K: huh
M: You claim to love my sister but u don't trust her. I heard u used to daily follow her have you seen her with anyone, you very well knew what she has been through and still u behaved badly yesterday
K: Sorry my bad I was confused and so reacted in that way and I promise you to never doubt her again
M(smiling): I am trusting you, I am Mansih Aarshita's husband. Kuch Kaam tha kya
K: I need an umbrella gng to beach so need it for shade

Manish went and got the umbrella gave it to Karan. Now Karan was all set he went and stood at the entrance. Ye waited for more than 30 minutes when Teju came down she was in her 2 pc red bikini and had worn white net jacket over it. Karan stared her for few min and automatically removed her t and forced her to wear.

T: What's this
K: Others will stare you
T: This is pvt beach who will stare at me and ghar par sab apne hai.
K: Still wear this
T: Why, swim bhi yeh daalkar karna hai

And she started jumping around Karan.

Karan was irritated to the core. He left without saying anything. Tejasswi was hoping, running and jumping behind him.They reached the beach that's when Tejasswi pulled his shoulders jumped over him, wrapped her legs on him and going closer to his ears

T(whispering): Mast mein T nikalkar mujhe de diya what about the girls staring at u.

Saying so she immediately jumped down and ran in the sea removing his Tee and jacket at the same time. It all happened in such a less time that before Karan could react Teju was already swimming.
Karans was blushing and smiling at the same time his concern for her was visible .

K: Don't go to too deep one can't say about the sea. High tide would create a problem

But our mermaid was not ready to listen after some time
Teju came out and started splashing water on Karan. Karan did allowed her for sometime but later he ran behind her to do the same. While running she  fell down on sand.Her wet body was covered by sand here and there. And it was having adverse effect on Karan.

In the bungalow  boys were super excited to go to the beach specifically to follow the lovebirds and Yuvika had a hard time to stop them

Y: What if she didn't confessed infront of us. Let them be alone. For her to pour out her heart infront of him they need to be alone and when they are back puch lena.

Teju got up and started dusting herself to remove the sand, karan couldn't control himself the sand had entered place where he couldn't go or touch so he grabbed her hand and entered the sea they swamed a bit too far inside the sea. That's when a big wave came. Karan grabbed teju in his arms and the waves went over them to move forward. This action of Karans didn't went unnoticed by Teju They swammed back to shore and relaxed under the umbrella

T(clearing her throat): Karan

K: huh

T: I love to spend time with you, I have a past which I have not hidden from you. But besides Rahul I have also lost a child I was Two months pregnant when i had a miscarriage. I couldn't take care of my baby also.

K: I know everything laddoo and you loosing your child was not your mistake it happened., you were shocked by sudden death of your husband.

T: Thanks for understanding but for me to fall in love, is a bit difficult but

Karans heart sanked.He felt she would again friendzone him.

T: But you, you kept on breaking the wall, you kept on entering the place and today you have made a place for yourself. But you may not get full place a part of my heart do still belong to Rahul. I will always do my duty towards Rahuls parents.  I will still celebrate Rahuls birthday. I will still cry or be alone on my anniversary with him. I will be sad on his death anniversary and will do all the rituals required as his wife to do.

She looked at Karan to look for his reaction.
Karan was on cloud nine. He had already broken the wall he had entered that means she loves me right.
She shook Karan. He looked at her

T: You have no problem with it


T: You have no problem with sharing a small place with Rahul in my life

K: Laddoo I knew before falling in love that he is part of your life. I knew I had to share a place with him and I would never ever want you to forget him or step back from your duties towards his parents. Infact I want to help you to fulfill those duties. We will take care of his parents together.

She smiled and got up, leaving Karan shocked he grabbed her hand and pulled her over him. The Red bikini had been teasing him from long and over that a droplets of water from her body were flowing towards her cleavage and from there to her navel. Teju looked at him  she followed his gaze and immediately pulled a towel over her, Breaking Karans trance. KARAN a bit frustrated looked at her that's when Teju kissed his cheeks, came towards his lips shortening the distance slowly and steadily. Their bodies were too close and heat from each others body could be felt making Kaean super excited and ready to cross all the lines .

When the lips were about to meet she pushed him got up and ran towards the bungalow.

T: First you need to ask me out you haven't Mr. KARAN KUNDRRA.

Karan made a pout sat a bit flustered and shouted back 

K: What will I get if I ask you out

T(sexy voice to tease Karan): Let's see nothing more nothing less.

And there itself Kaean made a plan.and to make his plan successful he needed help of his friends.


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