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Karan was blushing while watching the video.

Karan's thoughts :

Do I mean so much to her. Kaise sherni bankar khadi ho gayi. She may feel something for me. I may be important to her more than a friend. But I have seen in her eyes the way she loves Rahul. She is still in love with him. I need to talk to her and clear this out. Beera told she wants to talk to me and they all feel she likes me. So better clear this out. And rest my friends are there for me. If anda you like me I will make you realise and accept the same before this trip ends let's go meet anda and hear her out uske baad sochta hoon kya karna hai.......

With this resolution in mind he freshened up and left to pick her food from the kitchen.... He ordered  dal rice for himself and while waiting for the order messaged Nishant

Beera, where is Teju will talk to her

N: Beera she is in her room, are you going to confess
K: No not today but yes will need your help chal bye.

Nishant who was sitting with all and had already informed others what did he spoke with karan. All were happy to hear Karan's confession. Pratik was supper excited to call him jiju officially but Arshita requested him to control himself.

In her room Teju, unaware about the happenings was lost in her world. Thinking what she wants, thinking over Aarshita's statements... She had so many questions in her mind few for Karan and many for her. She knew Karan had slowly and gradually become a very good friend of hers but she didn't knew if she likes him. She was angry on herself to let any one closer to her on absence of Rahul.

There was a knock on her door. Thinking it might me Arshita she thought of speaking to her again when she opened the door there stood answers to her all the questions with tray in his hands.

T: You here, I am not eating i can't eat and they all are down so you join them.
Karan ignored her entered in kept the tray on the table.
Teju looked at him and went inside behind him.
K: I know they all are down this is your food which you can have I personally requested and made sure chef made it and i got dal rice for myself to give you company. Hope you don't mind?

Teju  hearing karan smiled. He cares for me. But why am I happy. Her chain of thoughts were again broken by Karan
K: Should I leave
T: No you have your food
and pulled a chair near the table. They both sat to have their dinner.

K:Teju I need to answer you
K: Why I followed you even after knowing you are a widow......
Teju wanted an answer but she avoided looking at him. She stuck her morsels of food inside her face making it look like a laddoo. But still was staring at her plate.

K: Laddoo, the first day I followed you was because of your eyes, these eyes they had a story which I wanted to know. I had seen you helping, playing with kids, giving food to birds but the satisfaction never reached your eyes, they were sad as if they were searching someone, they still are but these eyes of yours, they talked to me, they asked for help, they pulled me towards you. They still do. I still want to remove the sadness from them and

I guess I succeeded also in Alibaug i have seen sukoon and calmness in them there, I saw naughtiness in them, I saw a slight of happiness in them but i need those things for lifetime.
When I came to know that you are widow, in starting i tried to follow you only to explain why I hugged you. I never wanted you to misunderstand me but me following you was making you irritated so I started avoiding you, but I couldn't  in night to make sure you reach your home safely my heart followed you.
I knew I was wrong but my heart used to be restless if I didn't dropped you. I just wanted you to be safe. And somewhere in 6 months I guess even you were comfortable with me being few steps behind you. I have seen you searching for me when you used to leave from office.
Teju I started liking you, as you were sweet to all. Jessy talking about you or hearing your singing used to pull me towards you, your views about so many things which you talked in your show made me like your personality. I felt I knew you from before.

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