Chapter Fifteen - The Need for Escape (Captain)

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I rolled my cycle to a stop at the building and stared up at it. According to King, this was where I would find Tao, working out. After peeling my helmet off, I ruffled my hair and styled it with my fingers before glancing both ways and jogging across the street.

Letting myself in the front door, I wandered across the lobby and found the gym at the back of the building. For a moment, I stood at the glass, staring at him, watching the way his body moved as he went at a punching bag.

Leaving, I wandered to a coffee shop next door, picked up a few things and returned. This time, I removed my shoes, set it to the side and placed my bag beside it. When I made my way across, I stood on the other side of the bag across from him and smiled.

"Nong." He caught the bag in his gloved hand.

He was covered in sweat—sexy.

I cleared my throat and extended a protein shake to him. Tao looked down at it then up at me.

"For me?"


His cheeks tinted pink as he reached for it then stopped. "Um..."

Setting the bag with food on the floor by my feet, I took his left hand and unclasped the latch before pulling the glove off. After placing it by the bag, I did the same to the other glove. I knew he could have taken it off himself, but for some reason, he merely smiled knowingly at me and allowed me to do it for him.

As he wiped his face again, I picked up the shake and handed it over. He glanced at the label, cracked the seal and took a tentative sip. After a second, he took another drink and nodded.

"This is delicious." He smiled.

"Oh, good." I sighed my relief.

"How did you find me?" We sat on the floor together.

"I called P'King." I admitted. "Actually, I called Runn and he took pity on me and asked P'King. I've been thinking about you—worried about how you are doing. I had to see for myself."

"You were worried for me?"

I blushed, nodded and picked up the bag. Holding the straps with both hands, I thrusted it shyly at him. Tao accepted, but wrapped his fingers over one of my hand until I met his gaze before taking the bag from me.

He looked in and smiled. "Thank you."

Nodding, I curled my legs under me.

"What are your plans today, P?"

"Didn't have any." Tao told me. "I was going to stay home—look into going back to school. I have a little money saved up."

"Oh? What would you do?" I leaned forward.

"Sound engineering." Tao replied. "I was always into music—but it was only a dream since I had other responsibilities. I can't work for King's father anymore if I want to keep our friendship. So, I have to figure something else out."

"Do you have a job now?"

Tao nodded and pulled the chicken wrap from the back. "I work as a bouncer at club nearby. It's not a lot of money, but it pays the bills."

"When you're ready, P." I hung my head, not sure if I should offer my help. "I have a few connections. If you need it—they are at your disposal."



"Why can't you look at me when you say that?"

"Because I don't want you to think I'm doing this because I feel sorry for you." I told him.

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