Chapter Sixteen - A Return to Tomorrow (Tao)

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Falling into the chair across from P'San, I frowned. He needed to see how unimpressed I was with the timing of his summons. The waitress arrived to see if I wanted to order anything. A part of me wanted to tell her I wouldn't be staying long enough for that, the look on San's face told me I probably needed something strong.

"Coffee." I told her. "The stronger the better, I think."

She smiled, bowed and left me alone with my old friend.

"What did I interrupt?" San smirked.

"If you really want to know—I was about to have my first kiss with the guy I want to be mine." I replied.

"Shit." San sighed. "I'm sorry man. But you told me to get in touch the moment King's father made any kind of moves."

Arching a brow, I leaned forward to rest my elbows on the table. "Talk to me."

"He reached out to a friend of mine in Missing Persons." San lifted his mug toward his lips. "He wants information on all King's new friends."

"Shit." I swore and flopped backward in my chair.

The waitress returned, set my coffee in front of me and walked away again. I said nothing else until after I'd taken a few sips, waited for the fuel to hit my soul, then set my mug on the table.

"That man is like a bad rash." I muttered to San. "He's interfered in every part of King's life and now he wants to ruin what little happiness King's found."

"I still don't understand why he hates that kid so much." San spoke up. "He's a good kid—started his own business, made his own money, is paying his own way, going to school when he doesn't have to—he has a good kid."

"I agree." I picked up my coffee. "But there's something there. There has to be."

"You don't know what it is? You and King were close."

"Were is the right word." I sighed. "We're rebuilding but that's going to take some time."

"Maybe he's just checking to make sure they aren't trouble."

"Come on, P." I sighed and sipped. "You know better. That man is up to something and we need to get ahead of it before he hurts any of those boys—especially Runn."

"What's so special about Runn?"

"He's going to be King's man. And if his father even breathes on Runn the wrong way, that man is going to find out just how much like him King really is."

San arched a brow. "Wait—how do you know this?"

"I see the way King looks at Runn." I sipped. "Runn has been there for King through some hard stuff the last few weeks. Runn is the one King wants and you know how he gets when he's protecting what's his."

San sighed and rubbed his eyes before waiving the waitress over.


"I'll have what he's having." San told her.

Alone again, we both sat in stunned silence for a while. Even after a couple more mugs of coffee.

"What do you want me to tell my friend?" San asked.

"Have him hold off on doing anything yet." I advised San. "The friendship I have with King right now is tentative and I don't want to lose him again."

"You're in a weird position."

I nodded. "I can't hide this from King. After I talk to him, I'll let you know what he wants to do. Now, I have to go."

"Going back to your lover?"

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