Chapter Four - Tao (King)

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My mother's calls were a lot more frequent. After a while, I turned my phone off, and closed it in the drawer at the side of my bed. I spent the time with Runn. We did homework together after dinner until I noticed he'd fallen asleep on the floor, his head on the center table.

A smile traced my lips as I closed my book and hunched down beside him, watching the way his nose flared, his eyes twitched ever so slightly, and listened to the sound of the softness of his breath. As much as I loved watching him sleep, I knew he couldn't remain like that all night.

Removing his pen from his hand, I set it on the table beside his book and scooped him into my arms. I shifted him a little to get a better hold on him when his head fell against my chest. I carried him up the stairs to my bedroom and was kneeling on the bed to set him down when Runn woke up and panicked. He wrapped his arm around my neck.

"W-what are you doing, P?" He stammered, looking around.

"What does it look like?" I asked, still holding him.

He said nothing but I could see the fear in his eyes. He no doubt thought I was going to take advantage of him. I laughed softly and placed him on the bed then set about pulling the sheets up to his neck. "If we're going to do it, I won't have to take it."

He quirked a brow at me. "How else would you—um—you know?"

I leaned forward until his breath washed over my face. "You'd give it to me." When I winked at him, he pushed at my chest.

Obliging him, I rose and walked toward the door.


"Mhmm?" I replied.

"Where are you going?"

"I still have some work to get finished." I turned to look at him. "Plus, there are other rooms in this house. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable sleeping beside a stranger."

"This is your room."

"Don't worry about it." I told him. "Fan dii na."

Runn nodded at me and settled back into the pillows. I watched him for a brief moment then stepped out and closed the door behind me. My body wasn't happy with what I'd done. Runn had been too close and every part of me stiffened. He'd used my shampoo and soap, now he smelled like me.

It was the closest I would get to him wearing one of my shirts and nothing else.

I exhaled, long—hard—loud.

Doing schoolwork hadn't been easy afterward. Runn was on my mind, the softness of his body in my arms and the his hair tickling my nose. Somehow, I managed to finish the work, packed all my books away but stacked Runn's atop each other and left them on the table. I showered in one of the other bathrooms then chose the room next to mine to spend the night.

But sleep wasn't easy to come by. I only fell asleep when the sun began streaming into my room. I wasn't sure how long I was sleeping before I was sitting up in bed, looking around. Something had drawn me awake. When I looked to the door, Runn stuck his head in.

"Sorry to wake you, P." He stepped in, his arms wrapped around his midsection. "But I have to get home to change."

I rubbed my eyes. "Right."

When I shoved the sheets off, Runn turned his back. At first, I didn't get it. Then I realized I was shirtless, and he was embarrassed. I smiled. "Okay, let me shower and get my things. I'll make you something to eat."

"I-I—um, I made breakfast." He told me, his voice shaking.

Curious, I walked up behind him and stepped in close so each time I exhaled, my chest brushed his back. "Is there a reason you're shy right now?" I teased. I knew the answer, but I find it made me hot at the concept of him saying it out loud. "Look at me."

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