Chapter Twenty-One (Tao)

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"You look like hell." I fell into the seat across from King. "There hasn't been much movement with your father in a few days. Something I should know?"

"Nothing new since the last time we talked."

"So, N'Runn keeping you up at nights?"

King smirked. "I wish. I'm dealing with my father, trying to get my mother away from him without her getting hurt."

"Because we both know he thinks of her as property."

King swallowed but nodded. "Tell me you at least have some good news in your life. I need something."

I leaned back in the chair, draped my arm over the back and exhaled loudly.

"I know that look." King pointed to my face.

"What look?"

"On your face."

"This is my normal face." I touched my right cheek, then left.

King frowned and leaned forward. "What's going on in your head?"

"I'm falling for N'Captain."

"Have you told him?"

"You should now better." I crossed my legs. "I'm not a good man, King. This whole situation with you—I should have handled it better and—

"What's happening between us doesn't measure your manliness." King explained. "It's not a scale to weigh your worthiness of love either."

"Why does it feel like it?"

King shrugged. "Every friendship has its moments. We get mad. We get over it. If you care about Captain, claim him. Because if you don't—"

"Someone else will." I sighed, the thought of Captain being with someone else tearing a hole in my chest. "You're not surprised by any of this."

King laughed softly. "The last time we were all together, I saw the way you kissed him. I've seen you with a lover before, Tao, and with Captain, it's different. Listen, if he's willing and you're willing, I don't see a problem."

We talked about his father afterward and it was decided that King would begin trying to get everything under control soon. He was still waiting for some more information before making a decision and I agreed to call in a few of my friends as back-up when he was ready to move.

"You staying with us for a bit?" King asked.

I shook my head. "I want to talk to Captain before I get too nervous. He's filming today. Maybe I'll surprise him and bring him lunch."

King nodded. "That sounds like a great idea."

"Call if you need me."

After hugging King, I couldn't help feeling, as I exited the large house, that my friendship with him was back on track. The drive back took a little while longer because of traffic, but I stopped to pick up a some food for a basket for Captain and I then made my way to the studio.

It wasn't hard to get in—security remembered me from the last time Captain had brought me on set. Wandering through the halls, I found the stage they were using to film for Captain's production. He was speaking with a young man who I remembered being the second half of the couple for the drama.

"P'Kho tod." Captain was saying. "But I can't accept your confession."

"Do you have a lover?"

"Um." Captain clears his throat. "Not yet. But I have someone I like. He—well, he doesn't know yet."

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