Chapter Three - Closer (King)

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I all but crashed into Captain again. The younger student started apologizing but stopped, offered me a bright smile and nodded. "I'm sorry, P."

"It's fine." I walked off.

His hurried footsteps told me he was following. Taking a deep breath, I turned and he almost crashed into my chest. "Why are you following me? I'm not interested in a relationship with you."

Captain laughed.

I blinked.

"A relationship, P?" Captain asked. "Honestly, I don't even know if I like you as a friend. But the truth is, no one deserves to roam the world alone. I accept it will take time for you to trust me. We have to start somewhere. But I'm willing to put in the work."

I adjusted my bag over one shoulder and stared at his face. He looked as if he was mixed—handsome, flawless skin with a slight tint as if he'd stood out in the sun a little longer than he should. His lips were a nice caramel color, plump. "You're friends with N'Runn."

"Chi, P."

"Does he know you want to be friends with me?"

"I'm my own man, P." Captain told me. "Other than Runn, no one else can handle me at my fullest. So, small doses. I'll leave you alone now, P."

He bowed and ran off down the corridor. I turned to watch him go while ignoring the girls who had stop and were taking pictures. I frowned and continued on my way, across the commons, made my way through the cafetorium and dropped out the other side.

The sound of music caught my attention and I looked up to see Runn with the other guy he always hung out with along with others. They were playing guitars and singing while one held out a box with Track Club written on the side. The performances were used to gather money for the charity or department we were trying to save that year or give a little extra funding.

Lately, the sports teams of the school use the act to raise money for their end of year trip. I was pretty certain the photography club would force one on us. It was a kind of bonding experience, that forced us to share accommodations after sitting around campfire pretending we liked each other.

I made a face, shoved my hands into the pockets of my black slacks and leaned my shoulder to the wall of the cafeteria. I'd like to tell myself it was the music. But I couldn't help watching the happiness on Runn's face as he threw his fingers against the guitar strings.

I never understood women's obsession with musicians until that moment. Runn looked better in that unguarded moment than he'd done the entire time I'd known him so far.

One song ended and they danced around and high-fived each other like teenagers. A smile appeared on my face. I could feel it tugging at the corners of my lips upward and a warm I couldn't remember ever feeling before flooded my insides.

Then another guy wrapped his arms around Runn's hips and pulled in a little too close for my liking. My back went up, I ground my teeth and tried not storming over there and snapped his neck like I so desperately wanted to do.

To get rid of the temptation, I walked over as calmly as I could and pushed myself between this guy and Runn without saying a word. Runn smiled brightly.

"P'King!" He greeted me. "Were we supposed to meet up today?"

"No. But I was hoping to ask a favor." I told him. "I accidentally dropped my camera yesterday and its gone."

It was a lie. My camera was fine.

"Oh. I'm sorry." He told me as he picked up his things and shoved it all into his bag then tossed it over his shoulder. "What's the favor?"

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