Back Here Again I see

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Severus opened his eyes while groaning and glancing out the window where the sun shone on his face rudely waking him up like the sun of a b*tch it is (A/n: Get it? Sun of a b*tch No? Okay then I'll stop. Also does the sun shine at the Slytherin dorms considering their dorms are in the dungeons. If they don't just imagine ok?). He groaned to himself before rolling over to his side and covered his head with his pillow. He tried to go back to sleep because he wasn't ready to face the outside world yet. He needs his beauty sleep that he deserves after all the stress he has accumulated over the past few years of living.

A few seconds of trying to go back to sleep, that resulted in failure before he decided to get up and get started with his torturous day that hasn't even begun yet. (A/n: Why did I make him such a mood). Severus sat up on his bed while rubbing his eyes before looking around the room only to realise that this wasn't his bedroom. He backed up a bit and leaned against the headboard of his bed (A/n: Thats what they're called right? I forgot... Send help) He looked around the room trying to assess the situation on where the f*ck he was.

'Have I been kidnapped? There's no way anyone wants to have my sorry arse. I'll either kill them first or they kill me first and I'll throw claws and hiss at them before they even think about sending me to DARKEST PITS OF HEL- OH wait... now I recognize this room... This is the Slytherin Dormitory... Nevermind maybe being kidnapped and being sent to the darkest pits of hell isn't so bad afterall'

Severus got up from his bed and made his way towards the nearest full body mirror that was conveniently placed near his wardrobe.

'Please tell me it isn't what I think it is... I swear to God if it is I wil- OH MY GOD!!! MY WORST NIGHTMARE HAS COME TRUE!!!'

There Severus was... Staring at his 16 year old self emotionally distraught and awkward self staring back at him. Just to make sure he wasn't in a dream or hallucination, which he hoped to whatever upper being was up there that this was just a dream or hallucination because he would rather be anywhere then here. Unfortunately for him when he pinched himself, even when he slapped himself across the face until his cheeks turned red, he was not waking up from... Whatever this was.

"Goddamn... I really was such a mess when I was a 6th year in Hogwarts... And now I get to experience it... All... Over... Again..." Severus said while punctuating each word with a smack on his forehead against his wardrobe to help cope with his misery that he was gonna be put through.

Severus continued to smack his forehead against his wardrobe. Maybe he was being a bit too loud while he was using this coping mechanism as to distract himself from the harsh reality because there was no way he was returning to the future. The reason? He was dead. That's right. Dead. A corpse that was buried 6 feet under so even if this was a possible hallucination he would probably be in hell. He would've said heaven but then again... He doesn't think he deserves to go to heaven after everything he's done.

'Oh god... This is just like all the isekai novel I've read... Why!?!? Well at least I wasn't hit by the isekai truck... Whatever that is...' Severus thought as he wallowed in self pity.

As Severus continued to smack his forehead against his wardrobe which is what he's been doing for the past few minutes, though if felt like hours to him. The door opened, maybe because he was being too loud but honestly he doesn't really care because he's over here having an emotional breakdown... Who cares about who comes in and see him.

"Severus what are you doing?"

Ah yes... That familiar voice... Is none other than...

"Just questioning my life existence Lucius... Don't worry about me" Severus said in a sarcastic tone, still continuing to smack his forehead against his wardrobe.

Severus heard his best friend, Lucius, snort before he heard footsteps coming towards and before he knew it Lucius put his hand to where he was smacking his forehead against his wardrobe to prevent him from losing anymore braincells, not like he had much to go with in the first place.

"As much as I would let you continue with... Whatever shenanigans you're up to. It's time for breakfast so you better get ready or else you'll be late and we'll be leaving first if you take too long" Lucius threatened Severus even though it was an empty threat.

As Lucius started making his way towards the exit to let Severus change before Severus stopped him.

"Wait! Is... Lily there too?" Severus said in a slightly anxious tone even though he knew the awnser to the question... Probably... Hopefully...

"The mudblood? Yeah. she's waiting for you downstairs"

"Don't call here that!" Severus snapped, feeling his heart squeeze slightly when an unwanted memory that he buried deep down starting to emerge again.

"Sorry, sorry! Force of habit"

"*Sigh* I guess it's okay... Wait...What date is today"

"It's Thursday the 20th... Are you okay?" Lucius asked slightly worried for his best friends behaviour.

(A/n: that's just a random date I made up so don't take it to seriously)

Ever since Lucius entered the room he just... felt like something was off with Severus... He can't really explain the emotions because... Emotions? What's that? Severus just sighed. He just really wanted to take a breather and just collect his thought before he accidentally has his daily dose of emotional and mental breakdown in the middle of class that he was not excited to be taking again because he does not want to add classroom stress to the pile of issue that he needs to deal with but doesn't want to.

"I'm fine... Just kinda tired is all..."

Luciu snorted.

"Like the bags under you're eyes wasn't an indicator"

"Shut up and get out. I need to change"

"I tried to leave before but SOMEONE kept stopping me" Lucius said sarcastically as he walked out the door.

Severus sighed before he leaned against his wardrobe and slowly slid down on and sat on the floor like true dramatic person that he is. He buried his face into his knees while he just tried to collect his thoughts. Lily was alive... Which also meant that he was alive too but more importantly Lily was alive! He has another chance to make it up to her! Though he doubts he would pursue her again because that would be emotionally scarring for him. Why you might ask? Well lovely readers who took the time to read this book for whatever reason. All he can imagine is Lily's face when he found her dead that night and he does not feel like he deserves her after all that...

Severus sat there for a few moments before he decided to get ready to go to breakfast and classes... Again...

'The day hasn't even started yet and I'm already stress the f*ck out... Oh well...It is... What it is... I am so not ready to face Lily... Or the prat again...'

Who's the prat you might ask? Well... I have a feeling you might know who that is... That's what you're here for isn't it?


A/n: So... I am back in my jeverus faze... I don't know I just had this sudden motivation to just write another Jeverus book so that's what I'm doing... I hope you liked this chapter... Love you and have a good day!!!

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