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The concept of the preseason was simple

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The concept of the preseason was simple. Play to get your team together to see where everyone would fit. As Chris dressed for the first time in his Steelers uniform, a sense of completion washed over him. He had made it. And while, he wouldn't be playing much, he was there as part of the NFL.

The game was against Carolina, a team that the Steelers wouldn't normally see in the regular season. They were a tough team still and Mason had a few balls that were uncatchable. However, that was the point. Coach Ben needed to see where the problems were and how to fix it. In the fourth quarter, Coach Ben yelled out, "Evans!"

Chris ran up to him. "Yes sir?"

"Helmet on Evans, you're going in." Chris grabbed his helmet and shoved it on. "Run Out route 23 blast. Keep it simple son."

"Yes sir." Chris ran out onto the field as Mason was coming off.

"Good luck Chris. Just like practice."

Chris got into the huddle and called play. Ju-Ju and Seb looked at him with a smile. They lined up. "Blue 80, Blue 22, hut." The ball was hiked in his hands, and he stepped back. The offensive line worked the way it should and freed him to see Ju-Ju wide open, just like the play was designed. He launched it and Ju-Ju caught it easily before being push out of bound 25 yards down the field.

Chris pumped his fist and got up to the line of scrimmage. He could hear in his helmet Coach Ben. Great job Chris. Stay focus. Run slant 33 handoff, got it.

Chris repeated the play to his teammates and got themselves set. The ball was hiked, and he handed the ball off to Anthony who made it the 10 yards needed for the first but now in the red zone. Ben called the next play and Chris set up in the shotgun formation. The ball was hiked, and the team blocked, allowing Chris to see Sebastian in the end zone. He threw it and Sebastian caught it like it was nothing for Chris's first touchdown in the NFL.

"Yes!" He ran towards Sebastian, and they high fived and celebrated.

The end of game happened quick, and Ben was impressed with how Chris adapted. He still needed some work, but time and repetition would help with that.

As Chris was dressing, he got a message.

B: Nice game rookie.

C: Thanks. Was scared shitless

B: didn't look like it. Very proud

C: Thank you Becca.

C: How's Charlie?

B: she watched your game. Said you were her favorite. High honors

C: Wow. I am blushing.

B: About Friday.

C: Yeah

B: We're still on right?

C: as far as I know

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