Still Need You

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Getting back into the swing of things was interesting

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Getting back into the swing of things was interesting.  The family arrived back in Pittsburgh and Chris immediately went back to work, preparing for the playoffs. Rick and Avery were over the moon with the development of the custody case as were their friends.  New Years Eve was more than just a day to acknowledge a new year.  It was a chance to celebrate a turning point for the little family of three.

Becca sat in her office after the new year, going over the media position for the upcoming AFC championship game.  She was happy to be worried about just who might win instead of who would be there.  As she was completing a call with NBC, her father approached the door and she waved him.

"Yes, well, the positions are locked so you shouldn't have any obstructed camera angles... No, we promise to give first access as always... not confirming any rumors today... thanks Bill."  She hung up and smiled.  "Hi daddy."

"Hey baby.  How you doing?"

"Busy.  Didn't realize how hard camera placing was."  She rolled her eyes with a smile. "It's fine.  NBC just making sure that they are getting their money's worth."

"Good. How is Charlie?"

"She's good.  Got a gold star for her letters."  Becca pulled out her photo to show the picture of the little girl's worksheet.  "She has been working so hard with Chris.  Says she wants to be a 'porter."


"A re-porter."  Becca snorted.  "She wants to be on the news and report on the Steelers. Tell everyone how wonderful her daddy is.  She rolled her eyes again. "Should have never brought her during media day."

Rick chuckled.  "Could say the same about you.  Brought you to media day and at first you insisted you would be the first female quarterback for the Steelers and show Ben how it's done." They both laughed hard until Rick could catch his breath.  "How is Chris holding up?"

"Nervous.  Not so much for the game but for the attention. Potential to be the first rookie quarterback to win the super bowl? It's a lot of pressure."

Rick nodded in understanding.  "The board and I have faith in him.  He's done well so far in the playoffs."

"I'm proud."  Becca smiled softly at the thought of Chris.  "Did you need something?"

"I wanted to talk about your resignation letter."


"Wait, hear me out.  Look, I know that it was submitted under less than favorable conditions."

Becca sat back and crossed her arms. "I gave it after you benched my boyfriend for loving me."

"Rebecca, give me a chance please?" She waved her hand for him to continue.   Rick took a steadying breath. "Even with how you felt, you have never let it affect your job or the media ever.  I watched as you cried over everything, Chris, Charlie, the custody hearing, everything and yet you were the consummate professional.  I have never been as proud of you I have been the last six months."

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