Her Worst Mistake

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Ice Cream

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Ice Cream

It could be considered the perfect food.

At least in Charlie's eyes.

Ice cream makes everything better.  Losses are better, wins are better, life is just better when there is ice cream involved.

And Chris knows this.

So, the "after the game sundaes" were born.  The day after a game, win or lose, away or at home, Chris took Charlie for ice cream.  Becca was allowed to tag along, most of the time.  But this was the Chris and Charlie time and who was Becca to interfere with that.

"Chris, what is the best ice cream?"

"Only one?"


"Ok, let me think."  Chris pretended to ponder the question.  "Cookies and Crème."

Charlie lit up with a smile. "Really?"

"Yeah, why?"

"That's my favorite too because it has Oreos in it."

"That's why I love it too."

Yes, the bond between Chris and Charlie was unbreakable.  Becca and Chris started to spend more time together, Chris mostly coming to Becca's to make it easier on her. Dodger had his own bed in her house, right at the foot of Charlie's.  The pup was protecting of the little blonde, following her everywhere, out to the bus stop that took her and waiting for her every afternoon in the same stop when she got back.  Chris and Becca had a routine.  Chris would come over after practice, watch Charlie for Becca until she was home from the stadium.  He would start dinner; she would clean up and get Charlie ready for bed.  Their domestic life was bliss.

It didn't stop the few close calls. Like when Rick and Avery stopped by unannounced.  It was lucky that Sebastian and Lizzy had been there for dinner.  It looks very innocent. At least till Chris "went home" for the evening and came back half hour later.

"Jesus that was close," he said as he pinned Becca to the door of her bedroom.

"And you wanted to start this earlier, remember?" She worked on getting his belt off.

"I can't help it Angel. This dress does things to me."

"So I've noticed."

"But my favorite look is when it's on the floor."  He peeled her emerald-green shirt dress over her head, leaving her in her nude lingerie set.  "Oh fuck me."

"That is the plan," Becca smirked.

Chris growled. "Don't be a tease, Angel." He lifted her up and tossed her into the bed. He pulled his shirt off and Becca drooled, seeing his tattoos were one of her weaknesses and he knew it. He started to kiss the inside of her thighs, listening to her whine. "You are gonna wake Charlie."

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