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Charlie ran around with Dodger, laughing as the pup continued to try and catch her

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Charlie ran around with Dodger, laughing as the pup continued to try and catch her. "C'mon Dodger!" She continued to run, enjoying the crisp fall air.  Her mother sat holding Chris's hand, head on his shoulder. This was the first chance they got to speak after all of the team meetings and Charlie being sick for a few days.

"We should take advantage," Chris said to her.

"Yeah, I guess we should."  She lifted her head and pivoted towards him. "I don't know what to say."

"I know Angel."  He sighed.  "I've missed you."

"I missed you too. Chris, I am so sorry."

"Don't Becca. I understand. You did what you felt like what you needed to do.  You were protecting Charlie and me from what Tom wanted."

"I should have just told my family. That was my worst mistake. Letting him control the narrative."

"Wouldn't have changed things Angel.  Your father still would have benched me."

"God, my father," she held back her swearing.  "He just wants control."

"He wants what's best for you."

"Don't defend him."

"I'm not Angel. I just understand. Trying to protect me may have been your worst mistake but loving you is my favorite mistake." He reached over for a sweet kiss. 

Becca sighed and looked at Charlie playing.  "What are we going to do Chris? In a few weeks, we will both be out of a job. I mean, I have my trust fund to take care of us for a while but..."

"Angel, I have feelers out for a new job.  A couple of investment firms.  Like I said, I'll take care of you and my munchkin." Chris looked into the distance.  "I did have one interesting call."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, from John Lynch."

"John Lynch? Why does that name sound familiar?"

"He's the general manager for San Francisco."

"The Niners?  What did he say?"

"They heard about the benching, and they are interested in a trade or picking up my contract."

"Are you going to take it?"

"I'll be honest. I want to keep playing football.  I would rather do it here because I love the guys but since that won't be happening, I have to consider this opportunity."

"Oh."  Becca turned to look out into the park.

"Angel?"  She refused to turn.  "Baby, look at me."  He saw her lower lip tremble and she wiped under her eyes.  "Becca, this doesn't mean I want to end things."

"But you'll leave. And you don't want me to come with you?"

"No, baby that's not what I'm saying.  I would never ask you to move away from your family. I can fly back and forth during the season, and we can switch. But I would love it if you moved into the house here.  Make it our family home." She sniffled.  "You know that we are endgame right?"

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