Own That Shit!

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A/N: I'm posting this from 35000 feet in the air. The things I do for you guys 😉 Enjoy!

Chris walked in to his home 12 hours later, tired, hungry, but most of all, anxious

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Chris walked in to his home 12 hours later, tired, hungry, but most of all, anxious. "Angel?" The house is quiet as Avery came in behind Chris. "She's not here."

"We'll find her, Chris."

"Avery, I..."

"I know you want them. I know it's a shock. I'm not mad at you. She's hormonal and scared. We'll find them and make it right." Avery pulled Chris into a hug and held him. "There is nothing I wouldn't do for you, son. You make my little girl so happy."

"I want them, Avery. I was just so surprised."

"I know, I know. Now, let me get your house ready for your family." Avery moved to get the house ready for Lisa and Scott who were coming to visit. They wanted to give Chris a few days before arriving so that he could sort things with Becca.


Becca was laying down in Ben's guest room, letting the tears flow out as she heard Charlie playing with Ben's kids. She couldn't believe where she found herself again, lying in bed, crying over a man who didn't want her or her baby. She was lucky when Ben said he was headed home on a private plane. He had stopped her when she was exiting the park and offered to take her home when the tears were flowing down her face.

Ashley had gone to her house to collect some stuff while they were in the air, so Becca went straight from the airport to Ben's house. Ashely and Ben made her as comfortable as possible, given the circumstances and took care of Charlie. She heard a knock and saw Ben at the door. "Can I come in?"

"Your house."


"Sorry." She wiped her face and sat up. She looked at Ben. "Did you need something?"

"Yeah, to know what's going on."


"No, you're running. What's going on Becca?"

She took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant."

Ben looked at her stunned. "Wow. Ok. Wow."

Becca groaned. "Why is that the reaction of the men in my life when I say that?"

"What is that supposed to be mean?"

"I told Chris while we were at Disney and his reaction was the same as yours. Like, he caused this too, why is he acting like it's all my fault."

"He did what?"

"Yeah, he was questioning if I was still on birth control and said he thought we would be married or engaged before it happened. But, hello, we have sex a lot." She saw Ben cringe. "Oh, grow up. I know you and Ashley have done it at least three times," referencing his kids.

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