Love and Football

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After opening up the season with a couple of wins, the Steelers got ready to hit the road to New Orleans

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After opening up the season with a couple of wins, the Steelers got ready to hit the road to New Orleans. Becca was in her office, writing emails back to the press requesting interviews or comments on the team when a knock on the door pulled her focus. She looks up to see her father in her doorway. "You need something Dad?"

"Just checking to see how the media is doing."

"They have a lot of requests for interviews with Coach, Ben, TJ and the big three."

"Big three?"

"Chris, Sebastian and Anthony. The big three."

"Ah. Well, I'm sure you will make the right choices."

"I will." She turned back to her work. Rich loitered for a moment. "What?"

"Becca, I know you are angry..."

"I get it. You want to protect me. But you don't even know him."

"He's a football player. That's enough."

"He's not Tom. And it doesn't matter anyways because you scared him off. The first guy who was interested not just in me but Charlie too." Becca turned away, refusing to cry.


"Just go Dad. I have a meeting." She wiped under her eyes and grabbed her purse.

"Meeting with who?"

"The attorneys. I got a petition from Tom about visitation."

"Do you want me to go with you?"



"Save it. I'm a big girl."

Becca drove to the office, and parked, sitting in her car trying to calm herself. Her phone pinged and she looked to see what it was and smiled.

C: I miss you

B: miss you too

C: tonight?

B: maybe. Have to see how this meeting goes

C: can't believe he's doing this.

B: neither can I

Becca walked into her lawyer's office, Downey and Associates. Robert Downey Jr. is the best Pittsburgh has to offer. He was in the lobby, waiting for her. "Rebecca."

"Becca, how many times must we do this Rob?"

"Kid, I've known you since you were yay high," motioning to his hip. "I can call you whatever I want." He embraces the girl. "Let's get started." He led her to his office. "Coffee, water, shot?"

"Funny." She sat in one of the office chairs across from the desk. "Just tell me."

"Tom is petitioning."

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