The Start of Something...

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Being a father had to have been Chris's favorite feeling so far

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Being a father had to have been Chris's favorite feeling so far.  Boyfriend was good but father... the only one he could think that could top that is fiancé and then maybe husband.  It was his dream.  Becca was in her fifth month now and getting ready to travel for the draft again.  Chris was staying behind with Charlie but had promises from Ben and Rick that they would take good care of her. Becca said since they were still down a PR person, she would step in and help for it. Chris was anxious for her to travel but the doctor said it was fine, Avery said it was fine, his own mother said it was fine.

Chris rode up the elevator at the executive offices with his agent Sam Jackson by his side.  "Are you sure about this?" Sam asked.

"Never been surer." Chris smiled.  "You're staying for the gender reveal right?"

"Wouldn't miss it."  The elevator pinged and the two men exited towards the conference room.  Waiting for them was Rick, Ben, Coach Tomlin and the general manager for the Steelers. "Gentlemen, thank you for taking the time to meet with me and my client."

"Its no problem," Rick says as he hugs Chris.  "I didn't tell Becca about this meeting."

"I appreciate that.  I want to tell her I made the decision on my own.  Don't want her to think she pressured me or anything."

"How is your family going to take it?"

"I talked to Ma.  She's happy and sad and excited.  This is going to be a more permanent change for the family."

"Well, she is always welcomed to stay with us.  You know that. Avery and Lisa are two peas in a grandma pod."

Chris let out a loud laugh, grabbing at his chest.  "Isn't that the truth. Have no idea what they'll be like when this little one arrives."  Rick laughed and gesture for him to have a seat.

"So, Chris, before you is a restructured contract.  It's for six years, $102 million with $60 million guaranteed. We'll announce this tomorrow before we fly to Las Vegas for the draft."

"Ok. And Becca?"

"I'll make her an offer if you sign. If she accepts, she'll work until August and then she'll be put into maternity leave. I will offer her four months right away and hire someone to help her."

Chris looked at Sam.  The man smiled.  "The Patriots aren't even close to this.  And they aren't offering anything for Becca."

"Then I guess I just need to know where to sign."  Chris smiled as Rick handed him a pen. "You know I'm doing this for her right?  Our baby needs their grampa."  He smiled at Rick, whose eyes were misting over.

"I'm so proud of you, son." Chris smiled as he signed the contract and then shook Rick's hand.  Rick pulled him in for a hug as a team photographer took photos.  "Do you have it?" He whispered. Chris nodded. "She's going to be thrilled."

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