There's A Chance We're Going to Disneyland

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He's going to the Super Bowl

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He's going to the Super Bowl.

He's taking his team to the Super Bowl.

Chris wishes he could just throw up the anxiety that is coursing through his body. It would make his life easier.

Instead, he hears his girl's voice.

Get out of your head baby. You got this.

He's trying to finish his run around the track, warming up before hitting the gym. Ben is standing to the side, timing him. "Let's go Evans, pick up the pace." Chris pushes harder.

He's going to the Super Bowl.

As he comes to an end, he slows and catches his breath, hands on knees, wishing the cold wasn't trying to kill him. But Ben comes up and pats his back. "Good finish kid. Now let's work that arm in the warm, k?"

Chris can only nod. He's too cold right now for anything else. He walks in with Ben going over things they need to so when another voice calls out to him. "Chris!"

He looks at the team coordinator, Bobby, who is holding a phone. "What's up?"

"You have an urgent call from your agent."

Chris looks at Ben, who shrugs. Chris takes the phone and closes the door to the office. "This is Chris."

"Chris, its Ryan. How are you?"

"Warming up for a workout."

"Good to hear. Listen, I wouldn't interrupt if I didn't have really important news."

"Oh. Okay. What's up?"


The flight to Los Angeles was smooth. Charlie is bouncing in her seat between Becca and Chris. Becca can tell Chris is far away at the moment. "Baby, you ok?"

"It's just getting real Angel." He smiles. "Everything is ok."

"You seem far away."

Chris lifts her hand and kisses her knuckles. "Just thinking. 10 months ago, my life changed. And maybe in a week it'll change again. But I'm just hoping that you'll be by my side."

"Always love. Always," she said as caressed his cheek.

Landing in Los Angeles, the paparazzi were all over the players. Sebastian, Anthony and Chris worked to keep the cameras from Becca, Charlie, Lizzy and Scarlett. As they climbed into the shuttle, Charlie bounced on Chris's knee, waving at them. "Munchkin, stop it."

"They like me daddy."

Chris shook his head as they headed for their hotel. The calls he got at practice were weighing heavy on his mind and he knew he needed to talk to Becca about it soon. As everyone checked in, Becca instructed that the players needed to be downstairs by ten AM for media, but they were free for the rest of day. Becca turned to Chris and smiled. "Charlie is headed out with Scarlett and Anthony for a couple of hours."

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