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You always wondered how he was so good in bed. I mean you knew he got around.
But damn.
Every night felt different.

You were laying in bed. Sheets covering your naked body along with his.
You laid on his chest, tracing his tattoos.
"I got a question but you don't have to answer it if you don't want to"
You lied. You wanted him to answer the question.
But he hated when you asked
him meaningless questions because they always turned into an argument.

"What" he groaned in frustration.

"How many women have you slept with before me?"
you asked hoping he would lie about it because you didn't want hear the truth.

"Plenty" he said blankly.

"Oh okay"
You said quietly. He groaned in frustration as he looked down at you. He could tell that your little heart was broken.
"Don't ask a question you don't want the truth to sweetheart"

"Do you do the things that you do to me to other women?"
You asked still laying on his chest but you stopped tracing his tattoos.
He laughed.
"I don't eat every bitch pussy if that helps you sleep at night"

You got off his chest. Tears brimming your eyes. He took this as a joke. You thought you were special. That he would only fuck you that way because you were special to him.

You got out of bed and went to find some night clothes so you could get in the shower. He noticed how quiet you got after what he said. Before you walked in the bathroom you looked at him with tears in your eyes. He turned his head the other way because he couldn't take it when you cried.

"Im sorry for crying but I just thought I was special to you"

You closed the bathroom door. As you stepped in the shower you could hear commotion going on in the bedroom. You heard glass being broke and him yelling. He couldn't take it when you made him feel something. It fucked up his mind. You stepped out the shower mentally and physically preparing yourself for what's to come. You knew he wasn't going to let this go. He wanted the last word. He needed the last word.

"So you thought you could say that shit and walk away?"
He said to you. A chaotic look in his eyes.

You stood frozen. Your heart racing. He scared you when he got like this.
"What did I say wrong?"

"What did you say wrong?"
He mocked.
"You know what you fucking said"

"Yeah I thought I was special to you. What's wrong with that?"
You said backing up a little.

"I don't know baby you tell me"
he started to walk up towards you slowly.
"J you literally fucked every bitch the way you fucked me"
You said. Tears brimming your eyes.

"Yeah and how the fuck would you know that?"
He laughed wickedly.
"You watching who i'm sticking my dick in?"

"J what's wrong with you. This is why I hate you!"
You said crying.

"Oh no"
He said sarcastically.
"My little baby hates me?"

"Fuck you!"
You cried hitting his chest repeatedly. You just wanted to be special to him. To feel special to him.
"Your the reason why I feel like this and I hate you for it!"

He pushed you against the wall. Holding your wrist above your head.
"You hate me because I fuck you like I fuck everyone else?" He growled.
"Grow the fuck up. You are special to me baby. That's why you're in my fucking house, in my fucking bed and always in my fucking head. So stop the fucking dramatics"
He let go of your wrist. You fell to the ground lifelessly. He took all your energy.

"Clean this fucking  shit up"
he said while putting his jacket on. He kneeled down towards you, staring at you as you cried softly.
"I will fucking die for you"
He kissed your forehead roughly before leaving that night.

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