-Chapter 1: 1st Encounter-

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a/n - Welcome to The Man in The Window. This is not related to One Flight Away. This is heavily inspired by, "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift, and all those TikToks, where they were writing on signs to communicate, and they put the signs on the windows. I'll try to find the TikTok's, but no promises. Anyways, enjoy!

I sighed as I put the last box down. I just moved to my new apartment in California. I grab the kitchen boxes, and go in my kitchen. I start putting everything away, and I make a mental note. 'Get groceries later.' I grab the plates, and start putting them away. My phone rings, and I sighed annoyed.



"Hey Karl, what's up?"

"I just wanted to see if you made it. I was nervous. I know how you can get on the road, by yourself..."

"Hey! My roadrage has gotten better!"

"How many times did you yell?"

"2 times!"

"Per hour."

"...Yeah...I mean it's not my fault people drive really slow! Don't go 53 in a 60 area, and maybe I won't yell!"

"Fair point. Anyways, I just wanted to check up on you. Also Jimmy asked if you wanted to be in the next video."

"What's it about?"

"It's a tag/hide and seek video."

"When is it?"

"In a month."

"I should be settled in by then, so I don't see why not."

"Okay! I'll leave you alone now, bye!"


I pulled the phone from my ear, and he hung up. I opened Spotify, and put on my favorite playlist. I continue putting everything away, when I'm finally done. The apartment is already furnished, because my parents came down here, to make sure everything was okay, and to make sure I had good furniture. My apartment was definitely cozy, and modern. My kitchen counters were black and gold marble, and the cabinets are white, that type of modern. I went over to a giant window, that took up the entire wall, and opened the curtains. I noticed how close the other building was. There was an alley, between the buildings. I went back over to the kitchen, and grabbed my keys, and my wallet. I still needed to go to the DMV, so I figured I would do that tomorrow. I locked the door, before checking to make sure I had my key. I went out to my car, and started it. I went to the grocery store, and started shopping. I got things that would last me at least a month. I got snacks, stuff for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I also got a few more blankets, and throw pillows for my living room. I checked out, and left. When I got home, I quickly put everything away, and plopped down on my couch. I looked over at my window. I saw that the building right next to mine, had a big window like mine, and it was facing my window. I saw a piece of paper on it that said a simple, "Hello". I got up, and grabbed a piece of paper, and a marker. 'This is going to be so awkward if this isn't directed towards me.' I wrote a little "hi" back, and taped it to the window. I sat back down on my couch, and turned on my TV anxious for the other person's response. I turned on f/s (Favorite show) and turned my attention to the show. I tried to pay attention, but my anxiety was eating me inside. I was scared that the other person meant that for someone else. 'I mean, who just randomly says hello to someone, on paper?' I sighed, and decided to look over. Sure enough I saw their response. "Sorry, I know this is awkward, but you're new, and I figured we could be friends." I smiled, and wrote another reply. 'Atleats I know their talking to me, and not someone else.' I quickly wrote out another response, "I would love to be friends! I don't have any here in Cali, since I just moved. Since you're my friend now, should we get to know each other?" And by the time I wrote it all out, the person was standing there, looking at me. I blushed, and put the piece of paper up. The mysterious person was male. He had what appeared to be smooth, and slightly fluffy brown hair. He had brown eyes, and looked to be more than 6 feet, but less than 7 feet. He was wearing sweatpants, and a loose shirt. I looked down at myself, seeing that I was wearing leggings, and a sweatshirt. I looked back over at him, and he was taping another piece of paper on the window. "Yeah, I would like that."

I woke up to my alarm going off. I was leaning against the window, my notebook, and marker in hand. I was confused before realizing...'I fell asleep while we were talking...damnit...' I slowly got up, and stretched. I looked over to his window and saw a message that said, "Goodnight sleepy head". I mentally scolded myself, for falling asleep on him. I went over to the kitchen, and made breakfast. While I was making breakfast, I thought about what I learned last night. 'His name is Techno. He plays video games for a living. He's lived in California for about 5 years. He has a 12 year old sister, and a older sister. His family lives in California as well.' I smiled to myself. He talked a bit about his family, it was clear that he loved family, and that it always came first. He even talked about his "Online Family". He treats them as a second family. It made me smile. I still felt bad, that I fell asleep on him. I didn't mean for that to happen. I sighed and finished getting breakfast done. I made chocolate chip pancakes. I got my food ready, and sat down on the kitchen island, while eating my food. When I was done, I went into my room, and got ready for the day. I decided on shorts, and a baggy t-shirt, since I would be home all day. Before I got dressed, I took a shower. I quickly got ready, and wrote a not for Techno, and hung it on my window. I explained that I wouldn't be able to talk for a little bit, since I was setting everything up. I took my stuff to my room, and started getting everything done. I assembled my bed frame, and got my bed made. I assembled a desk, and put it in the corner of my room. I finished putting everything away, my votes in the closet. My essentials in the bathroom. I was thankful that everything was super clean. Once I was done, I was tired, and decided that I would finish everything tomorrow. I looked over at Techno's window, and saw a note saying, "Oh okay, I'm going to be out for a bit. I'll be back at around 3:30, and then I'll be able to talk for 3 hours, then I have to stream. I'll talk to you soon!" I smiled at how cute the note sounded. The note sounded like he was sad that I wasn't able to talk earlier, but it sounded happy, at the end. I had mixed emotions. 'What the hell? There is no way, I am catching feelings...right?'

Hello! Welcome to, The Man in the Window. I hope you all enjoyed the first part! Go check out my other story, One Flight Away! Have an amazing day/night!

Word Count: 1,284


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