~Chapter 11: Angst~

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Y/n pov,

It was 3 days later after my nightmare. My mood has been awful lately. I just feel off. Everything feels off. Me and Techno haven't talked since the last time I went over to his house 3 days ago. Everything was terrible. My instincts have been going crazy. I feel like something bad is going to happen, but I don't know when, and it's freaking me out. I'm currently sitting on my bed, with my thumb hovered above the send button. I had a whole paragraph typed out apologizing for not talking to him for so long, and explaining everything that's happened. I clicked the send button, and threw my phone across the room. I had lost all hope seeing it was about 3 minutes later after sending the text, when I saw my phone screen light up. I ran to grab my phone, and checked the notification.

  Tuqj_jwka92 has started following you

'Stupid Instagram...' I decided that if I was going to do nothing all day, then I would at least grab some snacks so I could stay in my room all day. I threw my phone on my bed, and went to my kitchen. I went through my cabinets, trying to find things. I grab a few small bags of chips, some granola bars, some oreos, and put them on the counter. I stood there for about 4 minutes deciding whether I wanted to be in the living room, or if I wanted to be in my room. After procrastinating, I decided I would stay in the living room, so I put all my snacks on the coffee table, and went to my room to grab my pillows and blankets. I grabbed them along with my phone, went back into the living room, got all my stuff situated, and went back into the kitchen to grab a monster. I grabbed one, set it on the coffee table, laied down, and turned on the TV. I scrolled through YouTube before deciding to go on Netflix, and watch Heartstopper for the 6th time. I was in need of romance things. Around an hour or so later I finished it, so I decided to look through LGBTQ+ movies. I chose The Prom. After watching it 3 time straight, it was about 4 pm, and there was a knock on my door. I was sure that I looked dead, but I didn't care. I paused Mr.Iglesias, and walked to the door. (If you've watched Mr.Iglesias, marry me now) I looked through the peephole, and was confused as to why he was here. I unlocked the door, and opened it.

"Hey..." He said quietly.

"Hi.." I say back quietly as well. I open the door more, so he can come in.

"Have a seat.." I say motioning to the couch. Damn. Everything's messy.

"We need to talk." He says looking at the ground.

"What's going on Techno? You haven't responded to any of my texts for the past 3 days.." I say sighing.

"I know, and I'm sorry..things have been really bad..people have leaked pictures of you and me together."

I felt my heart drop. Everything felt numb. There were tears starting to form, but I didn't dare let them fall. My head started to feel light, and I could feel my leg bouncing up and down.


"Someone leaked photos of us...a lot of people on Twitter saw them. Luckily there are more positive people on there, than negative. We're working on getting it taken down." He says placing a hand on my bouncing leg. It only made my other leg start bouncing. A horrible habit I picked up. He placed both of his hands on my knees rubbing circled on them slowly, trying to calm me down.

"And um..when did this happen?" I was scared to ask, but I needed to know, even though I was pretty sure I knew the answer.

"3 days ago.." He says quietly.

I looked away, to the roof, to the side, anywhere that wasn't near him. I couldn't bear to see his worried face. I couldn't. I couldn't handle this. Not now.

"I didn't respond to your texts, because everything was stressful. I didn't know how to handle this. I know how to handle it when it's about me, since it happens sometimes, but it included you. I didn't want to tell you, but I also didn't want you to see it, and feel like I didnt want you around anymore. I knew I had to tell you, but I wanted things to calm down a bit before I did. I'm sorry that I ignored you...we need to be with each other more.." I could hear him crying quietly. I don't know if it's from the fact that he was so stressed, or if it was because of me.

I just put my head on his chest, still not looking at him. I couldn't face him. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled my up on his lap. I lifted my chin with his index finger. That's when I felt the first tear roll down my cheek. I felt more and more rolling down. He wiped my tears, and tried to give me a reassuring smile. I hugged him tightly fearing that if I let go, he would leave. After a while, I started playing with his hair, hoping to calm both of us down. It worked I guess, seeing as Techno was asleep, and I was braiding his hair, completely forgetting about what happened. Mr.Iglesias was playing in the background on a low background, just so it wasn't all the way quiet. After finishing one of the several braids, I yawned, and pulled the blanket over us, as I fell asleep, completely drained of everything.

I would have denied it if you said everything will get better. But those are true words. Everything does get better...

Hey! Thank you all for reading chapter 11! In sorry that it was poorly written, and it was cringe. But I've had trouble sleeping tonight, so I figured I would write since I haven't in a while. Anyways, thank you all again, and have a great day/night!

Word Count: 1,043


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